Bexhill Down Townswomen's Guild

THE new venue at St Augustine's Church Hall in Cooden Drive seems to be very successful.

We had almost a full house of members and prospective members and future events were discussed with much to look forward to throughout the year.

Patricia Quested showed a selection of quilts. Her talk, My Journey Into Stitch, was of the history behind her very professional work. The quilts were beautiful - and we were invited to come close to see the intricate work and handle them. She also brought along some embroidery pictures that inspired some members to find their needles and thread!

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Sub-section Reading For Pleasure had as the latest subject 'Families'. The members found a wide variety of material, both poetry and prose. As usual, Pam Ayres was helpful, what would we do without her books!

Sub-section social studies enjoyed the talk on the BATS by Trish Dalby. We now appreciate the work that goes into presenting a production both on stage and behind the scenes.

Townswomen's Guilds throughout Britain are celebrating 90 years. We discussed our Guild presentation for the local Federation celebration day in June.

Visitors and new members are welcome to our meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 2pm at St Augustine's Church Hall, Cooden Drive. For further information contact the secretary on 01424 218756.