The Bible in the Public Square...

Each year Chichester Cathedral’s Chancellor Canon Dr Anthony Cane gives an annual series of public lectures which are free to attend and open to all. This year, under the title The Bible in the Public Square, Anthony is sharing the series with three distinguished Bible scholars –Hannah Strommen, Professor James Crossley, and Professor Richard Bauckham. All the lectures are held in the Cathedral Nave.Anthony said: “The Bible is the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book, having sold more than three billion copies over the past two hundred years alone. It has been translated into 349 languages and at least one book of it is available in another two thousand. “For some it is the inspired word of God, for others a literary classic, and for yet others a collection of out-of- date superstitions. Whatever you think of the Bible, however, it is hard to dispute its incredible cultural impact.“Its stories and images inform much of our art, literature and music. The teaching found in the ten commandments and Jesus’ sermons have shaped our ideas and institutions in all kinds of ways, and continue to do so. My annual Chancellor’s lectures this year are called The Bible in the Public Square, and will explore its continuing influence and impact with the help of three of the finest biblical scholars in the country. My own lecture explores what the Bible has to say about truth in what is described as a ‘post-truth’ world of ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’, and the way in which the Bible itself can be understood as ‘true’. Hannah Strommen, from the University of Chichester, will explore the way the Bible is used in contemporary culture, from the political ideology of the far right to the way we understand the difference between human beings and animals. Professor James Crossley, speaking shortly after the general election, will be speaking about the use of the Bible in English politics. Bringing the series to a close is the internationally-renowned Professor Richard Bauckham, who will speak about the Bible in relation to one of the great issues of our time – climate change and the ecological debate.“All the lectures are held in the Cathedral nave and begin at 6.30pm.“They are free, although those attending are invited to make a donation towards expenses. They are part of a range of events across Sussex marking the Year of the Bible announced by the Bishop of Chichester last year.”The lectures will be:Monday, June 5 at 6.30pm: The Bible in a Post-truth World: The first lecture in this series of four will be given by Canon Dr Anthony Cane.Monday, June 12 at 6.30pm: The Bible in Contemporary Culture: A lecture by Hannah Strommen, of the University of Chichester.Monday, June 26 at 6.30pm: The Bible in English Politics: A lecture by Professor James Crossley, of St Mary’s University, Twickenham.Monday, July 3 at 6.30pm: The Bible in the Ecological Debate: A lecture by Professor Richard Bauckman, of the University of St Andrews. This lecture is also part of the Chichester Theological Society programme and a Festival of Chichester event.The role of Cathedral Chancellor goes back to the twelfth century and has always involved responsibility for education and learning in the Cathedral. Don't miss out on all the latest breaking news where you live.Here are four ways you can be sure you'll be amongst the first to know what's going on.1) Make our website your homepage 2) Like our Facebook page 3) Follow us on Twitter4) Register with us by clicking on 'sign in' (top right corner). You can then receive our daily newsletter AND add your point of view to stories that you read here.And do share with your family and friends - so they don't miss out!Always the first with your local news.Be part of it.