The Brighton and South Downs branch of CAMRA produced a list of those known to be reopening this week to help promote our local pubs and breweries. We at the Brighton and Hove Independent have also been contacting pubs and have added to the list below. This list is not exhaustive and here we have focused on the pubs in Brighton and Hove. Do let us or the CAMRA branch know if your pub in Brighton or Hove has reopened and is not on the list.
In Brighton, the following pubs were due to open their outdoor space on April 12:
Victory Inn, Ladies Mile, Black Lion, The Cricketers, Fortune of War, North Laine Brewhouse, Open House, Saint George's, Shakespeare's Head, Signalman, Thomas Kemp, White Rabbit, Cleveland Arms, Crescent, Park View, Long Man of Wilmington, West Quay, Prestonville Arms, Evening Star, Gladstone, Good Companions, Windmill, Black Horse, Park Crescent and Roundhill. The Caxton Arms opened on Tuesday, April 13.
In Hove, the following pubs were planning on reopening on April 12:
George Payne, Blind Busker, Ancient Mariner, Hove Place, Brunswick, Exchange, Stoneham, Libation, Poets Ale & Smoke House and the Urchin.
The Hampton in Brighton was reopening on Thursday, April 15, and The Connaught, Hove, will open on Friday, April 16. The Garden Bar, Hove, is opening on April 19. Please check with the pub you intend to visit to confirm opening times and reservations where required.
Below are a few of our great pubs in Brighton and Hove which have reopened. If your pub has reopened, send us some photos to [email protected]

. The Cricketers
Black Lion Street, Brighton

. The Black Lion
Black Lion Street, Brighton

1. The Black Lion
Black Lion Street, Brighton

2. Ancient Mariner
Some of the outside seating at the Ancient Mariner

3. Ancient Mariner
Rutland Road, Hove.

4. The Evening Star
Surrey Street, Brighton