1st Ninfield scouts Shelter box

More than £1,300 was raised by 1st Ninfield Scout Group to help buy Shelterboxes for those in disaster-struck countries in need of temporary roofs over their heads.

The group chose the Young Shelterbox Disaster Relief Charity for their fundraising mission.

In Spring the youngsters took part in a Living In A Box camp in Kiteye Woods and even though the weather back in May was far from kind they stuck with it and made the best of their windy and wet situation. They also held several Shelterbox activity evenings.

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Leader Jane Shoesmith commented: "We have managed to raise a fantastic sum of 1,301.39 which has gone towards four boxes.

"This is a remarkable achievement and we are very proud of everyone who took part. All members of 1st Ninfield Scout Group, which includes the Beavers, Cubs and 1st Crowhurst Cubs, Scouts and all the Leaders received their International Partnership Award.

"Well done again to everyone."

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