Camber village voice

THERE will be Camber Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 17 July at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. On Saturday July 21 Camber Country starts at 8 - 11.30pm in the Memorial Hall , the entertainment provided by Sapphire. It’s a BYO gathering, but the rolls are not to be missed!

Terry, 226 887, or Pete 225 250 can let you have more info. There is a family service in the Parish Church on 15th, 10.30am as usual. A coffee morning to add a little something to church funds on Saturday 21 July at 10.30, in the Thomas Longley Hall. The church is usually open during the day if you want to pop by and enjoy some quiet.

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Dan’s Diary, PCSO Dan Bevan has had a busy week this week, with lots going on, he has been very busy patrolling the Caravan parks after a few caravan break-in’s also this week the Rye Windsurfing premises on Lydd road was sadly broken into and a number of items where stolen, Dan, our Police Community Support Officer is ever willing to hear from you about your concerns, ring him on 0779 619 5639, leave a message if he doesn’t take the call, he’ll get back to you, his email is [email protected] Dan’s Diary.