Cooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey

CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday at St Peter's Church, Offham, 10.15am Sunday School in the church hall, 10.30am Family Communion followed by coffee in the hall.

HAMSEY: Sunday, Carol Service in Hamsey Church at 3pm. Hamsey Harmony will be there to join in the Carol Singing. I, along with many others, have always thought that it was the start of Christmas with the Hamsey Carol Service, which is loved by many. There was always such a peaceful and special feeling with the flickering candles lighting up the excited children’s faces as they sang all the well loved Carols. Don’t forget to put plenty of layers on and take a candle or light. The church will have been cleaned and beautifully decorated for this very special service thanks to Caroline and her helpers.

AFTERNOON CLUB: Monday Afternoon Club meet on December 10 for their annual Christmas lunch in Offham Church Hall at 12.30pm (note earlier time). If you require a lift contact either Judith on 07889 281214 or Caroline on 01273 477151.

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REMINDER: Decorating St Peter’s Church, Offham for Christmas, Saturday December 22 starting at 9.30am. If you would like to join the team of flower arrangers, please contact Caroline on 01273 477151.

CAROLS: At St Peter’s Church, Offham on Sunday December 23, Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6pm. This will be followed by mince pies and Christmas cheer in the church hall.

CHRISTMAS DAY: At St Peter’s Offham. Christmas Eucharist on Christmas Day at 9.45am (note change of time). The service this year will be led by the Right Reverend Richard Jackson, Bishop of Lewes. It is hoped that there will be a full church to give him a warm welcome, with many children to process up to the altar with candles for the Blessing of the Crib.

GOOD NEWS: At the Hamsey Parish Council meeting in November regarding rail and bus issues, Cllr Baughan reported that there was a meeting in October with GTR when council pushed for a better service for Cooksbridge. Council was very pleased to note that cameras will be installed at the crossing in the Drove, Hamsey. The PC had been pushing for this as a safety priority. Also at the November meeting, Cllr Baughan had circulated his report on Environmental Issues. ESCC have asked if the PC will employ contractors to cut the grass through Cooksbridge in 2019 or if they wish to pay ESCC to carry out the cuts on their behalf. The cost would be £337 per annum. Council discussed this and the clerk had asked ESCC to clarify the position regarding verges through Offham, but at that stage had not received a reply. The clerk was to chase ESCC and also ask local contractors if they were able to meet the ESCC list of requirements, which had proved a problem in 2018.

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N WATCH ISSUES: A survey went to neighbours of the Downsview car park regarding safety issues. Fourteen replies were received. A motion sensor security light was popular but cutting the hedge to the recommended safe height met with a mixed response. Council was to contact ESCC regarding safety concerns when pulling out of the car park due to poor visibility and oncoming vehicles negotiating the traffic island. Council hope that when that section is resurfaced something can be done as a warning, hatch marks? There are still problems with dog mess being left on driveways through Cooksbridge. Evidence has been gathered in order to prosecute the offender.

NEXT MEETING: For Hamsey Parish Council is on Thursday January 24.