East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service were called to reports of a car fire, in Enys Road, on Sunday (December 1) at about 7am.
Crews used one hose reel to to extinguish the fire in the residential road.
On Tuesday, crews were again tasked to a blaze on Den Hill, which was discovered just before 6am.
The fire service confirmed there were no reports of casualties in either incident.

1. Fire crews extinguish car blazes in Eastbourne
Photo from the scene in Enys Road Photo: Rosanna Boulton

2. Fire crews extingush car blazes in Eastbourne
Photo from the scene in Enys Road Photo: Rosanna Boulton

3. Fire crews extinguish car blazes in Eastbourne
Photo from the scene in Enys Road Photo: Rosanna Boulton

4. Fire crews extinguish car blazes in Eastbourne
Photo from scene on Den Hill Photo: Glenn Hoare