
Etchingham newsEtchingham news
Etchingham news

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DUCK RACE: The annual Duck Race takes place on Sunday May 14, the race starts from behind the Etchingham Shop and Deli. The theme this year is Eurovision, prizes for the best '˜dressed' ducks, judging from midday, main race at 1pm. New this year is the '˜Power Duck Race' at 12.30pm. This year ducks will be available from Etchingham Shop and Deli, Burwash Stores and Hurst Green Village Stores. More details at

WALK TO CHICHESTER: Support Phil Hinde for his 90 mile walk to Chichester Cathedral, taking five days, aiming to raise £1000 to support Chrisdtian Aid’s work. Christian Aid works in 39 countries with some of the world’s poorest people, of all faiths and none, helping them find ways to lift themselves out of poverty for good.

Phil will start his walk on Friday May 12, with a coffee at the Bistro at around 11am, he will call in at 13 parish churches in Sussex before reaching Chichester Cathedral on the Tuesday afternoon.

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You can sponsor Phil on his walk on his Just Giving site if you require more information contact Phil on 01580 819434 [email protected]

VILLAGE WEBSITE: The village website is provided by the Parish Council to inform residents of Parish Council and village activities. The site is updated on a voluntary basis to keep running costs to a minimum, Council agendas and minutes are published on the site and archived agendas and minutes for the last five years can also be viewed. You will find a number of contact forms on the site enabling you to easily contact various people and organisations including the Parish Clerk, Councillors and Churchwardens etc.

Information on village organisations and events is added, if you have information that you would like to see on the site let me know so that it can be added, there is a link to the contact form at the bottom of the Home Page on the site

FETE & VILLAGE SHOW: The Fete and Village Show will be on Saturday September 9, still very much in the planning stage, keep the date free and more details will follow soon. The village photographers can get snapping ready for the event, the four photographic classes this year are “Copper”, “On the Farm”, “Hills and Mountains” and “Transport”, so get that camera clicking to produce the winning image.

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STEPS MAPS: In conjunction with Fairfield Surgery, Burwash the Patient Participation Group have drawn up some maps showing walks around Burwash and Etchingham, the maps also show the number of steps between various landmarks. The aim is to encourage people to walk more for exercise, and is based on the principle that, in an effort to maximise one’s fitness, one should ideally walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day. The maps are available on the “Local Maps” page at, and there is also an easy access link to download the maps on the Etchingham village website

CELEBRATORY TEAS: To celebrate the 30th anniversary of St Michael’s Hospice, they are inviting all supporters to free celebratory teas, which are taking place in six locations throughout Hastings and Rother. On Sunday June 11, a Celebratory Tea is taking place at Stonegate Village Hall, with a choice of two sittings at 2pm and 4.30pm.

The events are completely free, with thanks to the Big Lottery Fund. There will be afternoon tea and live music for all to enjoy. Spaces are limited, so early booking is essential to avoid disappointment. Bookings can be made at

SAINSBURY VOUCHERS: If you shop at Sainsbury’s and are offered ‘Active Kids’ vouchers please make sure you collect them, if you do not have children or grandchildren of school age Etchingham School will be pleased to accept them.

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MOBILE LIBRARY: The Mobile Library now visits Etchingham once every three weeks, on Tuesday mornings 9.40am to Parsonage Croft outside the School and village halls.

Here are the dates to the end of June, May 16 – June 6 & 27.

If these times are not convenient, or you miss the Library when it visits, it will be at Hurst Green village hall, 12.15pm to 1.00pm and Burwash, Rother View 2.10pm to 2.30pm two days after the above dates.

ETCHINGHAM SINGERS: Last year the Singers appointed a new conductor, and acquired a large number of new members. The conductor is now Robin Hare who lives in Ticehurst, he used to run a choir there which was recently discontinued. Since Robin became conductor, the Singers are now a full SATB choir with over 30 members, they rehearse in the Parker Hall on monday evenings, 7.45 to 9.15. The choir is always looking for new members, male singers are particularly welcome, no audition is required, just a love of singing. If you are interested in joining contact Courtney Kenny [email protected] or Robin Hare [email protected] or just turn up at the Parker Hall at 7.15 on a Monday evening.

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CHURCH SERVICES: As you will know, in the past, summer services have started at an earlier time, from now on all services will remain at 11am throughout the year, unless otherwise advised, this is to allow Reverend Sally Epps time to travel from her other duties in Burwash. Service times until the end of May - April 30, Rev. Sally Epps; May 7, Rev. Sally Epps; May 14, Rev. Iain Morrison; May 21, Rev. Patrick Sales; Thursday May 25 (Rogation), 7.30pm, Rev. Sally Epps; May 28, Rev. Iain Morrison.

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL MEETING: Following the Service on Sunday April 30 there will be a Vestry Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting at 12 noon.

CHURCH OPENING: The Church is open every day for visitors from 11am to 4pm. If you have not already been in, visit on a nice sunny day so that you can see how bright the Church now is with nice white walls.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: The annual, very popular Etchingham Music Festival, in the Church. takes place this year Saturday July 1 to Sunday July 9, both dates inclusive, put the dates in your diary and I will give you the full details of concerts next week. Save the date, Saturday September 9, village show and event, details here when available.

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FUTURE EVENTS: Do you, or your group or organisation, have events planned for coming months? Send me the dates and basic details now, I do not need the full details yet, just what the event is and the date. I can then give your event a mention well in advance of the date, people can note the date and I can then put the full details in nearer the date, this lets people know in advance when your events will be and can help avoid a clash of event dates.

SENDING INFORMATION: Get information for this column to me as soon as possible. There are several ways to get your info to me, but email is preferred because there is less chance of errors during copying. I need information by 10pm on Monday to be sure it will be in time for inclusion, I can sometimes add extra items on Tuesday morning, but this cannot be guaranteed. You can deliver to 2 Park Farm Close, telephone 01580 819532 or 07484 635014 or email [email protected] you will also find a form on the village website ( ) to send your information from there, look for the Village Voice link near the bottom of the column of links on the left-hand side of the website page.

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