
ETCHINGHAM MUSIC FESTIVAL: The 2015 Etchingham Music Festival, held in the Church, starts on Saturday July 4, 7.30pm, with Emma Abbate and Julian Perkins - Four hands one piano. Sunday July 5, 7pm, Libby Burgess and the Wiek Ensemble. Wednesday July 8, 7.30pm, Florian Mitrea and Cavendish Winds. Saturday July 11, 7.30pm, is the Supper Concert with songs from musicals. Ticket prices are £16 and £14 for concessions, except for the Supper Concert which is £20 to include supper. Full details of the concerts and booking form are on the Music Festival website or by post Etchingham Music Festival, P.O. Box 100, Etchingham, East sussex, TN19 7US. Telephone 01580 819384 email; [email protected] . The Festival finishes on Sunday July 12 at 6pm with a free concert featuring The Ashdown Singers.

PARISH MAGAZINE: The June/July edition of the Parish Magazine is now available in the village shops and the Church, only 70p, pick up your copy today.

FOBS AGM: The Friends of Burwash Surgery (FOBS) Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday July 8, 7pm, at Christ the King Church Hall, Burwash. The FOBS Committee is in need of a couple of new members, due to the retirement of one and another moving away. The Committee only meets four times a year, for about an hour, so not a great commitment. If you could consider joining contct either Frank Smith 01580 819326 [email protected] or Jill Copland 01580 819321 [email protected]

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GOLDEN WEDDING: Local Councillors celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary. John and Mary Barnes, County and District Councillors, celebrated their Golden wedding Anniversary with family and friends at a party last weekend at the new Community Halls. John has been the County Councillor for Rother North West for 17 years and Mary has just been re-elected as District Councillor for Ticehurst and Etchingham. The Parker and Ahrens Halls made the perfect venue for the party and theirs was the first party to be held in the spectacular new building which opened only a few weeks ago as a combined project which includes Etchingham Primary School and the Barn Owls Under 5 Playgroup. John chairs the Etchingham Trust for Sport and Recreation which has been actively involved with the County Council, Parish Council, the Diocese and local land owner in bringing the project to completion and the official opening of the multi million pound complex is planned for July .

HEARING HELP: East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre will have a mobile unit outside Hurst Green Village Hall on Thursday July 9. 10.30 to 3.30. The vehicle, funded by the Big Lottery, is equipped to offer demonstrations of assistive equipment and hearing screen tests when time permits. The bus is accessible to wheelchair users, representatives from both the East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre and Adult Social care will be available to provide individual information and advice on all aspects of hearing loss. The East sussex Hearing Resource Centre is a registered charity working in partnership with Adult Social Care. For more information contact ESHSR on 01323 722505 [email protected]

or visit the website

VILLAGE WEBSITE: Memories - the village website has a section for village memories for people to contribute items about times gone by in the village, perhaps you have lived in the village all your life and have memories of school days or your first day at work, or perhaps visiting grandparents in the village as a child. Any interesting stories on almost any subject is welcome. Take a look at the article submitted so far then write some memories of your own. the length of the article is not important it can be a few pages or just a couple of paragraphs, do not worry too much about layout and grammar that can all be adjusted before adding to the site, the stories are the main thing. You can email your contributions to [email protected] or deliver to 2 Park Farm Close.

EVENTS CALENDAR: There is a calendar on the village website for residents and organisations to enter details of forthcoming events, this helps organisers check if an event has already been planned for a date they have chosen, and act as advertising for all village events. The idea of the calendar is for village residents and organisations to add details to the calendar themselves to reduce the workload of website admin.

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To view or add to the calendar start on this page and follow the instructions you will need a password to complete your entry, this is just a safeguard against the calendar getting filled up with spam posts. The password is the same for everyone if you do not have it ask me to supply it or ask someone who has already added to the calendar.

If everyone gets into the habit of adding their events to the calendar it will hopefully avoid too many clashes of events and people having to decide which event they will support. If you have any problems adding to the calendar contact me at [email protected] and I will get it added, but I do not want to have to add every event to the calendar.

INFORMATION: If you have given me details of your event to put in this column, please remember to send me some details after the event so I can let your supporters know how successful the event was, how much you raised, interesting facts etc. Your supporters will be interested to know how you did. Get information for this column to me as soon as possible, if you have a diary of events planned for the year let me have the dates and I will put in a list of village events for the year so that people can put the dates in their diaries. There are several ways to get your info to me, but email is preferred because there is less chance of errors during copying. I need information by 10pm on Monday to be sure it will be in time for inclusion, I can sometimes add extra items on Tuesday morning, but this cannot be guaranteed. Just a little reminder, I get plenty of information about events that are taking place, but I get very little follow up information, after your event try and remember to send me brief account of how successful your event was, it can be as simple as a thank you to those that attended and how much money was raised etc. You can deliver to 2 Park Farm Close, telephone 01580 819532 or 07941 786244 or email [email protected] .

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