At Pett Methodist Chapel, the 10.45 am service on Sunday will be led by the Rev. Helen Patten.
Concert Time: A last minute and final reminder that Pett Methodists are hosting a concert at the Methodist Chapel tomorrow, Saturday, September 8, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm, featuring in the line-up the popular Fishy, the Rosy Hoydens and the Wilcock family. In the interval there’s to be an Auction of Beautiful Things you could be well pleased to own. Tickets are only £5 each. Proceeds will go to the upkeep of the Chapel. Book through [email protected] and you’d better look sharp if you want to be there.
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Hide AdMOPPs today and next Friday: Today, Friday, September 7, singer Brian Howard will be providing the entertainment. Nicola’s Age UK toenail cutting service will also be functioning today. Lunch today will be sausage and mash with veg, and lemon meringue pie for pud.
Next week, on Friday, September 14 the entertainment (sic) will be the group’s AGM, which will start at 11 am. Lunch will consist of cottage pie and veg along with bananas and custard (separately and to follow, not simultaneously!)
The avenue he’s taking you to…: Yes, it’s 42nd Street, and Trevor Lewing reports strong interest in the coach trip to see the show on Wednesday, September 26 – and there some seats remaining, too. Trevor has also been researching attractive venues for further trips, and has come up with the Dickens Christmas Festival in Portsmouth Dockyard. The discounted party rate for entry will be £14.50, and Trevor estimates the coach cost will be around £15 a head. The proposed trip date is Friday, November 30. The trip is under three hours each way, and Trevor is exploring the chances of getting a coach with a toilet. Let’s hope it’s a modern coach – those outside toilets can be very draughty!
A Forthcoming Concert at St Andrew’s: Still early doors, but a diary note should ensure you don’t miss the very special concert at St Andrew’s on Sunday, October 14 at 2.30 pm, with the Three Valleys Male Voice Choir. The tickets are £8 each, and they are available from the Post Office, or from the Rectory.
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Hide AdWho’s for Tea at the Waldorf?: The Royal British Legion is having a fund-raising event at the Fairlight Lodge Hotel, not the Waldorf! It’s from 3 until 5 pm on Saturday, September 22, and you are urged, gently, to dress up for the occasion (although it’s not compulsory!) and you could win a prize. Have a word with Margaret Pulfer on 814866 if you’d like a ticket or two, Last week I suggested the tea was at 7 pm. That’s even late for a mighty high tea. What a muggins! Sorry…
No Slip of the Pen: The latest edition of Fairlight News will be with all its subscribers by now, and among the many interesting articles and reports is the customary one from the East Field Fairlight Action Group, countless examples of which have been submitted over a lengthy period of time by Keith Jellicoe, usually both entertaining and expository. Within the current article are two mentions of the Parish Council’s drop-in sessions on the Wakehams Farm site for countless dwellings. These references do not refer to the exhibition t the village hall to which so many of us went, only then to realise that it was not so much a dissemination of information as a trawling and harvesting of public opinion. Keith, who has been feeling less than 100% recently – temporarily EF-FAGged out, perhaps? – explains that the Parish Council had promised a drop-in session when the planning application was finally received, and that this session had not yet taken place, for obvious reasons. It seems that Strutt and Parker, and the other London big wigs involved, grind even more slowly than the Mills of God.
The Parish Council: The Council’s August meeting was swift and smooth, and there were some interesting points along the way. Under the Planning heading, Haydon Luke, our representative on all things to do with the Country Park, reported that the new Visitor Centre, based on compressed old tyres for the foundation and compressed straw elsewhere – shades of Stramit boards – has been delayed yet again, and probably until 2019. (We once had a house with Stramit walls – with excellent heat and sound insulation. Rare, but very good.)
Cllr Nick Jones, who reports on Highways and Transport, noted that the stretch of Fairlight Road between Hysted and Pineridge is once again holier than it should be.
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Hide AdFollowing up once more on previous PC Chairman George Hensher’s excellent idea of a new Community Clubhouse on Wood Field, designed for the use by all sorts of organisations, such as The Club for young people, cricket for those inspired by some good Test results this summer, and others. A public appeal was suggested so that anyone with an idea that would strengthen the cause could put that idea into the melting pot.
All had reason to be grateful to the lady, who happens to be a fairly new resident, who has volunteered to become the co-ordinator of the three village Speedwatch set-up. She is Liz Green, who feels that a Speedwatch anywhere is invaluable – and nobody would disagree with that. Thank you, Liz, and good luck.
The church is masterminding the WW1 centenary, which will take place on Friday, November 9. (Saturday 10 is reserved for those who will be wanting to watch what is sure to be a very special evening from the Royal Albert Hall, while Sunday 11 will see the benefice Remembrance Service at Pett Church) An initial planning meeting for the centenary has already been held.
The only Quiz in Town?: Currently, that is true as the Residents Association gives advance notice of their forthcoming annual quiz. It will be in the village hall on Saturday, October 13, with doors open at 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start, prepared and presented by the ever-popular Bob and Dec, accomplished and experienced masters of the genre. Tickets for the evening are on sale at the Post Office and General Stores at a mere £6 each, and the maximum team size is 6. Your ticket gets you in for the quiz, and also what is claimed to be a wonderful ploughman’s supper. Judging on past experiences, many would say it will be a ploughman’s wonderful supper! Bob and Dec remind you that there is no bar at this event. If you fell more comfortable answering question through a bit of a haze, then please take you own drinks and glasses. Tickets are likely to be sold out pretty soon, so get your skates on. The organisers say ‘a great night out guaranteed’, and this is probably being realistic rather than optimistic!
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Hide AdApple Day is coming: The date is Saturday, October 6, which is when Stonelynk Organics will be in the village hall from 10 am until 4.30 pm pressing apples (and pears) whether you turn up with a handful or a trailer full. There’ll be a surplus, which you will be able to purchase even if you don’t take any apples along, while those bringing the press-able fruit will get a discount on the finished liquor.