ART GROUP: Meets on Wednesday at 1pm.
MARTIAL ARTS: Kobudo Martial Arts meet on Thursday at 5pm.
SING ALONG: The Chromatics Community Choir invite you for a Christmas Sing Along in Fletching Village Hall on Saturday December 22 at 3.30pm. £5 on the door. Tea and festive cakes included. Raising funds for Dementia UK.
100 YEARS AGO: Sussex Express 13 December 1918. Of Interest to Goat Keepers. We are informed by the Food Production Department that the Ministry of Food is notifying Food Control Committees that the produce as well as the meat of goats is ration free. This statement means that any butter, which may be manufactured from the milk of goats, as well as the milk itself, may be sold to anyone without the buyer being required to surrender a butter-margarine coupon.