Green Party asks Jason Kitcat to stand down

The general meeting of Brighton and Hove Green Party - the sovereign body that frames Green Party policy locally - passed this substantive motion at a meeting attended by 55 members - the required 5% of the local membership - at the Brighthelm Centre on Saturday (January 17):
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Hide AdBrighton and Hove Green Party notes the hard work over many years that the current Convenor of the Green Group and Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council has done over many years, and the many successes of the Green-led administration as a result of this work in partnership with the rest of the Green Group.
The Party notes further that the Convenor is not standing in the local elections this year and is concerned that it could very easily damage the Party's electoral prospects if the Green Group is not led by a Convenor who has a stake in the election, and can lead the Group through the election and potentially beyond. With this in mind, the Party asks that the Convenor steps down at the earliest possible opportunity to allow for internal elections to take place for a Convenor who can be the primary public figure in the campaign and lead the Green Group towards the best possible result.
Proposed by Paul Philo; seconded by Alison Plaumer