MAGAZINE: Children would rather eat creepy crawlies from the garden than a plate full of greens

Almost half of children have munched on a creepy crawlies from the garden, yet 71% refuse to eat a plate of greens.
That’s according to new research which saw worms (18%), caterpillars (12%) and snails (12%) top the list of the bugs kids eat the most.
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Hide AdWhile bugs actually do contain vitamins, minerals and fibre, creepy crawlies are probably not the meal of choice for most parents when it comes to their children.
The Nestlé Cereals study polled 1,000 parents with children aged 2-10 years and it’s no secret, getting children to eat their vegetables can be a battle.
And to illustrate the point a giant 10ft caterpillar made out of Shredded Wheat and Shreddies, will tour the country to show there is an easier way to get a whole bowl of good stuff than eating a creepy crawly.
Watch the video for a sneak preview of caterpillar which is a whopping 1,522 times bigger than a normal sized caterpillar.