New nursery opens

Exciting services are on offer at Fegans' Pinewood Day Nursery and Resource Centre.

Exciting services are on offer at Fegans' Pinewood Day Nursery and Resource Centre.

Fegans and Heathfield Community Education are working together to provide parents with taster sessions in subject's parents have requested.

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Topics include parenting skills, assertiveness, healthy cooking for the family and career topics. An added bonus is that Pinewood Day Nursery is able to provide free childcare while the parents attend the courses.

Fegans' family worker, Gillian Clark, said: 'We hope the taster sessions will give the parents confidence to cope more effectively with some of the stresses of family life and prepare some to return to the workplace. The sessions are proving highly successful and we hope to put on some similar courses in the future.'

A new after-schools club starts at pinewood on Monday, April 8. The club offers fun and games, structured art and craft and computers with programmes such as encyclopaedia Encarta that can be used to help with homework. There is also a quiet room for reading, a television and a video player. Children will be picked up from school by minibus and the price includes a snack.

Pinewood Day Nursery already caters for children from 1-4 years. There is a wide variety of play equipment and a planned curriculum for each age group.

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The Rising Fives Group have just moved into a large, specially- adapted room and are provided with a range of activities to encourage children to learn how to communicate themselves through art, music, dance and role-play. All this goes a long way towards developing a child's self-confidence and self-esteem, and, of course, to have the most fun possible.

As a Christian charity, Fegans relies on donations from its supporters. With all the activities, administration tasks increase and so does the need for a photocopier. If anyone would be prepared to let the charity have an unwanted photocopier, call Gillian on 01435 862975.