BID spells success

CONGRATULATIONS on your excellent article (Observer, September 8). As I travel round the UK visiting other towns and cities, I realise how lucky we are to be living in Chichester. However we should not be complacent and there is a pressing need to reinvigorate some of our streets to make them more attractive and get rid of the dreadful A-boards.

When I go abroad I am always impressed by the large numbers of small shops one sees in towns and small cities in France and Germany.

Our small businesses need all the help they can get at this time, and the suggested improvements will do much to make our city an even more attractive place to live in or to visit.

As you write it will increase the footfall and vibrancy of our smaller streets – the BID, if sucessful, will go a lond way to bring this about.

Dr Brian O’Donovan,

Hawthorn Close,


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