Diamonds are forever?

YOU might have read in the last few days about "supermodel" Naomi Campbell allegedly receiving "blood diamonds" from an African leader on trial for war crimes .

In these financially unsure times, it's perhaps not surprising that getting an unexpected windfall, whether it's a bag of diamonds or winning the lottery, might be a very attractive proposition.

The words of the song Diamonds Are Forever maybe strike a chord with a lot of us.

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For those who have been let down in love, "They won't leave in the night, I've no fear that they might desert me," could seem very apt.

Surely that must be true? Not so.

About this time last year there was a report on the news about London's biggest ever diamond heist when 40million worth of diamonds and other jewellery was stolen in a couple of minutes.

Unfortunately we can never be sure that we're going to keep hold of our possessions or that someone won't steal them from us.

It's obviously prudent to save for a rainy day if we are able.

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But isn't there a danger in depending too much on material possessions?

I know '“ I've seen it go! Jesus tells us not to store up treasures for ourselves on earth where moths and woodworm destroy them and thieves can break in and steal them.

Instead he says we should store up treasures for ourselves in heaven.

In a nutshell Jesus is saying he's got something for us which is much more precious than any of these things.

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He also tells the story of a man who is looking for fine pearls and when he finds one of great value he sells everything he owns to buy it because it's so special.

He uses this story as an example of what it's like to know him '“ it's like nothing else on earth.

As the song goes: "Diamonds never lie to me, for when love's gone, they'll lustre on".

Human love eventually comes to an end but God's love lasts forever.

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I've discovered that my faith (which could be yours too) is more precious than any amount of diamonds or treasure) - now that's a real gem!

Mary Gilbert


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