Keeping abreast of local news

Since moving to Selsey 17 years ago we have bought the Chichester Observer each week to keep us abreast of local news and events but, for the first time, we did not buy a copy this week.

While we have no objection in principle to the tabloid format, the new papers is much too thick and too long to be a manageable read.

There seems to be no ordered presentation of news or articles, and one has to trawl through pages and pages of newsprint, inevitably overlooking those items which would be informative or useful – I completely overlooked the article about the closure of New Park Road and was totally wrong-footed when making my way from the hospital to the Cattle Market car park this week.

Please give consideration to publishing your paper in different manageable sections as previously – we will then buy it again.

Tony and Stella Crist

Seal Road


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