LETTER: A27: What about south villages?

What a lot of letters you have received against Option 2 for the A27 bypass!

The people of Lavant and their agitators are in favour of Option 2 because they shuffle the whole thing to the south and are a bunch of nimbys who have waged a campaign against those who would like to see a northern bypass, including at least one hard working county councillor and they are beginning to target the leader of the county council, which is the roads authority locally.

If Option 2 is adopted the village of Donnington will effectively be destroyed. Houses will be knocked down, views will be gone forever, and green fields will have large roads built on them.

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Then what about the three years of building the so called link road? There are 28,000 people living down here on the Manhood compared with 4,000 to the north, and how will they get off the peninsular during that time? Maybe something like the Berlin Airlift could be used to bring in provisions and take people on and off the villages to the south and Selsey.

Of course we love the Goodwood Estate but the reasons so far given for at this stage refusing the northern bypass are because it is said it would affect the estate.

However, what about the people of Donnington and the other villages to the south? Maybe they are not as rich as Goodwood but they are Chichester locals whose interests should be considered. The decision to abandon the northern bypass was taken when David Cameron was Prime Minister and he has family connections with Goodwood. Now we have a new Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Transport in the form of Chris Grayling and maybe things will change.

Where does our own MP, Andrew Tyrie, stand in all this? I am very happy to organise a public meeting where he can speak and answer questions.

Dermot Wright

Roman Landing

West Wittering