LETTER: Compassion needs energy

What's all this about manifesto commitment? We were told in 2010 that there would be no major re-organisation of the NHS. Then the Lansley Act created total upheaval and enormous change right across the service which even leading Tories say was a costly mistake.

The Act included changing the duty of the Secretary of State for Health from having to PROVIDE the NHS to having to PROMOTE the NHS. Enter profiteering private sector.

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Now there is dissent about the interpretation of statistics purporting to show more people die at the weekend. There has always been weekend cover and some 90 per cent of consultants are on call for difficult situations at the weekend.

We need to invest more in the NHS and train more nurses and doctors instead of relying so heavily on staff trained abroad.

Our doctors work long and hard and still have to find energy for compassion.

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The Royal Colleges are proposing a way forward. Surely it is imperative that negotiations are resumed.

Sonya Baksi

St Swithuns Terrace, Lewes

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