A view to openness

WITH reference to Alan Gammon’s letter (Gazette, December 30) about the scrutiny process at Arun District Council, scrutiny is the “close investigation of detail” and I don’t believe that it is happening at ADC. When an officer’s report is offered to a committee, members ask a few questions and a vote is taken, but this does not, in my opinion, amount to scrutiny.

The Lib-Dems are not co-operating with scrutiny because they do not believe it is fair or open.

When the decision was first made by the Lib-Dems both councillor Nick Wiltshire and I wished to carry on in the environment working party, but after attending a couple of meetings we agreed it was pointless and joined our colleagues’ boycott.

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When I joined ADC in 2003 I chaired the environment and community safety performance committee, one of four such committees. An environment working party was set up to support the committee and. I was elected as chairman by mostly Tory members.

In 2005 the performance committees were reduced from four to two, due to insufficient staff.

I disagreed, believing it devalued scrutiny and refused to stand as chairman. Shortly after this, governance and audit committees were set up, bringing committee numbers back to four. There is now one overview select committee and six working parties.

I remained on the working party and was again elected as chairman, continuing until May, 2010. Councillor Dr James Walsh chaired performance scrutiny until May, when the new system began. So, why has cabinet not offered chairs to the Lib-Dems?

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The vice-chairman of the overview select committee was offered to the Lib-Dems only after we complained. Cabinet not only selected which vice-chairmanships we should have, but also which Lib-Dems would hold those positions. Initially, before we complained, I was to be vice-chairman of Safer Arun, but later vice-chairman of overview.

Many other councils offer some chairs of performance committees to the opposition to make the process more open. It should not be a blessing from our Tory masters, as implied by Alan Gammon.

David Biss

Arun councillor for Bognor Orchard

Carina Drive
