Church to celebrate at festive tree festival

This popular festival is a true community event with local schools and businesses involved, who will be decorating or sponsoring a gorgeous array of trees.
Nick Herbert, the MP for Arundel and the South downs, will be one of our many visitors to the festival on Friday at 3pm. As well as creative décor, there will be the Friends’ stall of homemade Christmas goodies, refreshments and a raffle. Entrance is free and from 10am to 4pm.
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Hide AdThe schools trees have been sponsored most generously by Tooveys Auctioneers. The Friends have also produced a range of attractive Christmas Cards for sale. Donations and proceeds from the Festival will go to the Roof Repair Fund for urgent repairs to the church roof, a programme of works that should be starting in spring 2016.
There are three captivating events at the end of each day: on Friday at 4pm Nigel Parkin will make his unique rendition of ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’, the famous Arthurian legend. Age guidance 8 +.
Saturday at 4pm the Kaleidoscope Singers are coming to perform a Carol Concert and on Sunday at 4pm there will be Candlelit Carols with readings. All three evenings will end with mince pies and mulled drink for all. Space is limited so it is essential to reserve a seat by either calling 01903 891312 or emailing – [email protected]
There is no charge but a retiring collection will be held in aid of the Friends of Warminghurst Church Roof Repair Fund.
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Hide AdWarminghurst Church, (The Holy Sepulchre at Warminghurst to give the full title) a twelfth century building in Ashington that is mentioned in Domesday Book, is maintained by The Churches Conservation Trust, the national charity protecting historic churches at risk. With the help and support of the Trust, churches like Warminghurst are kept open and in use, living once again in the heart of their communities.
The Friends of Warminghurst Church is made up of volunteers who care about Warminghurst and help out in whatever way they can, and whose support is invaluable to keeping this beautiful, rural gem of a church active.
The harmonious and unspoilt 18th century interior and the charm of the splendid views to the South Downs make a visit to the church and unforgettable experience.
For more information on the Christmas Tree Festival or to partcipate please contact Rachel Webster on 01903 891312 or email the Friends at [email protected]. Find us on Facebook ‘Warminghurst Church.
For information on the Churches Conservation Trust, their work and churches go to
Report and picture contributed by Rachel Webster.