
IN reply to Mary Lee’s letter about disabled access in Littlehampton (Gazette, April 12), I feel compromise is the operative word. While equality of opportunity would be brilliant, it is just not possible.

During my lifetime, three members of my family have had to take to wheelchairs and, in pushing them along various roads, a small problem I came across was there special ridged slabs had been installed to warn those of limited vision that this was where the road could be crossed – fine for them, but agony for anyone in a wheelchair.

The door to the Gazette office, which was entered for this letter to be delivered, lies back, but you could not lower the entrance, and until the powers-that-be stipulate such facilities, that is how it will remain.

E. Benham


- Editor’s note: for the record, we have a portable ramp at the Gazette office which can be used by anyone wishing to visit our office in a wheelchair.

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