Head of Early Years becomes Specialist Leader in Education
A national initiative, SLE’s are outstanding middle and senior leaders with a particular area of expertise - for Samira this is Early Years. The SLE role is designed to help improve the quality of school leadership through school-to-school support and peer-to-peer learning, ultimately raising standards and improving the outcomes for children. Marion Smith, Headteacher, commented “Samira’s expertise in Early Years is already recognised by West Sussex through her role of moderator across the County, we are delighted that she has been appointed a Specialist Leader in Education which is a national recognition of her outstanding practice and expertise.”
Samira joined Storrington First School in September and oversaw the re-design of the two Reception classrooms and outdoor area in time for the start of the current academic year; adds Samira “I am thoroughly enjoying my first year at Storrington and am delighted to take on the additional role of SLE, working with other schools towards the common goal of doing the very best for every child.”
If you would like to visit the school please contact the school office on 01903 742047.
Report contributed by Storrington First School.