Horror at cuts

Day services currently run by the council face closure or outsourcing, which together with re-tendering the council’s home adaptation and equipment store and a ‘focus on prevention’ in health and adullt social care is intended to yield almost £5million.
This is money which the council, with a bit of forethought and pre-emptive action, could have saved through other measures such as reduced use of consultants (up to £2,500 a day) and agency staff. The council also seems to imagine that residents would rather see the elderly and disabled suffer increasing hardship than pay a penny more in council tax, whereas I for one would gladly have paid a modest increase rather than see these services suffer yet again. Now, however, these savings cannot possibly be made without the quality of care to vulnerable residents dropping still further, something this council should be ashamed to even contemplate.
Ruby Cox
Heene Terrace
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