Where your recycled rubbish goes

YOUR letter writer B Lewis (letters, Jan 8) asks for reassurance that Adur and Worthing's recycling is not being sent to landfill. I am happy to provide that assurance.

Worthing Council, together with our partners in Adur, is a "collection authority" and responsible for collecting domestic waste which it then passes to West Sussex County Council who are the "disposal authority". It is WSCC who have to find ways and means of dealing with the problems of disposal.

The new system in Adur and Worthing delivers, currently, around 33 per cent of domestic waste as recyclate. Your correspondent is correct to point out that some local authorities are having problems in finding markets for this waste, but I am happy to report that WSCC is not one of them.

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The companies that WSCC uses as its contractors have secure markets for the end product, and are less exposed to the market conditions than other authorities.

We have to take a long-term view in dealing with the problems of waste and keep recycling.

Cllr Bryan Turner

cabinet member for a clean and green environment

Worthing Borough Council

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