OUT IN THE FIELD: Princes Park cafe, Second World War bombings and birthday shout outs.....

We love our local history here at the Herald and this week marked the 75th anniversary of a serious bombing raid in Eastbourne town centre that killed 15 people and injured 72. Bruford’s, Truform and Russell and Bromley were badly damaged in the German raid on the town. It’s timely then that this week also saw the planned war memorial and peace garden at the Wish Tower start to take shape. Full details of the memorial are on page 18 and 19 along with all the information on the fundraising appeal to help pay for it. For those who don’t know, the memorial will replace the old Wish Tower cafe and sun lounge, which had to be demolished by the council because it had been allowed to deteriorate to rack and ruin. If you are unable to donate online there is a collection box at the site and the contractors, Andrew Norwood and Billy and Liam Biles, are more than happy to talk you through what is happening down there. Do go and say hello and if you have any memories of the bombing raids in the town, share them with the boys or even me. We’d love to hear the stories.
Finally this week, the birthday shout out includes my gorgeous and wonderful friend James Bell who will need a fair bit of puff for all the candles on his cake as he hits the big 50.
Many happy returns also to Helen James-Hume, Annette Perry, Simon Cosham, our lovely Inge Keats here at Beckett Towers, Elaine Stevenson, Adrian Carter and Nicola Addems.