Yellow and Blue flags were flying in Devonshire square at a rally organised by Bexhill councillor Christine Bayliss. Crowds gathered to hear speakers voice their support. A plea was also made for any Bexhill residents with room to spare to offer refuge for displaced Ukranians.
The speakers were: Cllr Christine Bayliss, Cllr Richard Thomas, Conquest Chaplain Reverend Mike Turnbull, Bexhill Mayor Paul Plim, Cllr Paul Courtel, Rector of St Marks at Little Common Jonathan Frais, Michael Ensor - St Johns in Town Hall Square, poet and writer Claire Baldry, Cllr Viv Taylor Gee, Barry Grist, and Cllr Sam Coleman. £996.91 was raised to help those in need.
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123143001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123335001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123203001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123213001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123346001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-122800001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-122810001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123335001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123203001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123213001
Bexhill Supports Ukraine rally on March 12. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-220314-123346001