With this in mind we asked our readers to share pictures of their dogs, with many of them explaining what it has meant for them to have such a companion. Niki Rouse wrote: "Been shielding since last February and now suffering long covid and was hospitalised for two weeks in September. These two dogs have been my life line. They have kept me company, kept me entertained and have given me a reason to get up every day. They give you cuddles when needed."
Christopher Graeme Faulks sent this picture of Digby
Thank you to Alison Keizer for this picture of Geoff
Zoe Saunders shared this picture of Brian
Allan Thwaites shared this picture of his dog
Amanda Turner shared this picture of Charlie
Thank you to Amy Staley for this picture
Beccy Scrase shared this photo of Oscar
Bee Claire shared this picture of Ziro
Bill Kibble sent in this photo
Thank you to Carolyn Sherriff for this picture
Carolyn Woodrup-Mahon shared this photo of Buddy
Chris Thwaites shared this adorable photo
Thank you to Claire Louise Singleton for this picture
Thank you to Debbie Grinstead for this photo
Peter Lawrence sent in this picture of Bruno
Frances Scott shared this lovely picture
Thank you to Emmy Allen for sharing this picture
Thank you to Gail Jay for this photo of her dog
A dog is for life...as is a bag for life...thank you to Gary Willsher for sharing this
Gemma Louise shared this picture
What a happy picture of Shadow, sent in by Georgia Johnson
A wonderful picture of Gillian Dicken with Milo
Heather Fiona Walker sent in this picture of Billy
Thank you to Heidi Gourlay for sharing this
Heather Nickisson shared this photo of Cookie
This is one of two photos that Helen Grinstead sent in
Helen Grinstead also sent in this one
Holly Davies shared this lovely photo
Jeanette Ann Escoriza shared this photo
Look at those eyes! Jo Payne sent in this picture of Bella
Monty looks like a handsome dog. Thank you to Joe Docherty for sharing this picture
Julie Sales shared this picture of her dog
Katy Dallinger sent this adorable picture with her dog
Linda Shiel shared this photo of Mollie
Liana Catherine sent in this photo of Ace
Thank you to Alison Keizer for this picture of Geoff
Zoe Saunders shared this picture of Brian
Allan Thwaites shared this picture of his dog
Amanda Turner shared this picture of Charlie