Donkeys join village church service for Easter celebrations

Palm Sunday celebrations with the donkeys Alice and Toad at the churchPalm Sunday celebrations with the donkeys Alice and Toad at the church
Palm Sunday celebrations with the donkeys Alice and Toad at the church
Two special guests joined a church service in Storrington ahead of the Easter celebrations.

Alice and Toad, two Sussex donkeys, led the Palm Sunday procession with their carer, Andrea Oakley and her family, at St Mary’s Parish Church in the village on Sunday April 14.

The story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey whilst the crowds laid palm leaves before him shouting ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord - The King of Israel!’ was poignantly acted out by the cast.

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The Rector of Storrington, the Reverend Kathryn Windslow, was delighted by the service and the donkeys.

The Reverend Rupert Toovey said: “Palm Sunday is one of my favourite festivals in the church calendar.

“It provides a moment of hope and expectation in the Christian procession towards Easter.”

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