Setting off on the evening of Sunday, December 1, mild weather meant there was a solid turnout of canal members, volunteers and members of the public, who were the first to enjoy illuminated model boat displays – battleships, landing craft, swans, and elegant sailing boats – from Chichester and Portsmouth Model Boat Clubs.
The canon sounded at 5pm, and, moments later Father Christmas arrived with Kingsham Primary School Choir in tow, heralded by a barrage of fireworks from barges floating nearby. The choir kept the crowd entertained, until the big moment when Father Christmas finally flicked the switch, and lights burst into life all around the basin.
“It was great to see such joy on the choir faces as they sung their songs in the lovely background of the canal,” a spokesperson for the Canal Trust said, adding: “A great thanks to all volunteers who worked so hard in preparation and on the evening. The café, shop was very busy and supported by the Holy Smoke BBQ all were well served with food and drink.”
December is already well-booked up, but anyone keen to book a boat trip – either for family or adult friends – can do so by calling the box office on 01243 771343, or by visiting the canal website.