With the help of Saxon Weald, the Lions identified 98 local adults and children in need of help this Christmas and distributed £3,020 towards food and presents. The money was raised from a series of Santa Collections at various locations around Horsham between December 1 and Christmas Eve. The first was held in the Cedar Drive area of Southwater with two Santas and Horsham Lions helpers.
Collections continued at Newbridge Nurseries in Broadbridge Heath on December 5 and 9, along with a collection in the Lemmington Way area of North Horsham, starting in Bartholomew Way, on December 8.
Further Santa collections were held at Waitrose on December 11,18, and19 with more collections at Tesco in Broadbridge Heath on December 23 and 24.
The total raised was £4,242.32 with the balance – £1,222.32 – to be used for other worthy causes in the Horsham community during 2025.
Lions president Tony Gellet thanked people for their donations, despite difficult economic conditions. And a Lions spokesperson added: “Throughout this period Horsham Lions members and their volunteers spoke to numerous local Horsham people who gave generous donations and at the same time learnt more about the work Horsham Lions do in the community and globally.”
Eighty per cent of the money raised by Horsham Lions throughout the year is spent on local projects with the remainder being spent on national and global Lions’ projects.

1. Lions Santa collections
Lions Santa collectors at work in Southwater Photo: Contributed

2. Lions Santa collections
Santa in his Santa van Photo: Contributed

3. Lions Santa collections
Lions Santa collectors were busy in Horsham throughout December Photo: Contributed