Lord's Taverners East Sussex Region spring Llncheon at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. Almost £15,000 was raised on the day. SUS-200320-123444001Lord's Taverners East Sussex Region spring Llncheon at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. Almost £15,000 was raised on the day. SUS-200320-123444001
Lord's Taverners East Sussex Region spring Llncheon at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. Almost £15,000 was raised on the day. SUS-200320-123444001 | Other 3rd Party

Lords Taverners raise charity cash at Eastbourne’s Grand Hotel

The Grand Hotel Eastbourne was again the venue for the 20th Lord’s Taverners East Sussex Region spring luncheon, with almost 250 attendees from local businesses and professional firms getting together to raise funds to give young people a sporting chance in life.

The event was hosted by Barry Williams and sponsored jointly by Gaby Hardwicke, with auction and raffle prizes donated by local businesses and co-ordinated by Jonathan Webley and his team at The Grand Hotel.

Almost £15,000 was raised for the Lord’s Taverners on the day, with a further £500 specially allocated to the Trevor Mann Baby unit, from the auction proceeds of a giant Easter Egg, donated by Angelo Cavallo.

The East Sussex Committee of Lord’s Taverners would like to thank all involved for their generosity and support.