New action on waste-burning as decision awaited on Horsham incinerator

Nationwide action is being taken to halt the building of new incinerators in Britain - amid a wait for a decision on whether a new incinerator will be given the go-ahead in Horsham.

A group known as the United Kingdom Without Incineration Network - UKWIN - has launched a website aimed at supporting campaigners currently battling to stop the UK from burning waste.

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The group says that there are currently 62 municipal waste incinerators in the UK which burnt more than 42 per cent of England’s local authority-collected waste in 2017/18.

Dozens more incinerators are proposed across the country - including one at the site of the former Wealden Brickworks off Langhurstwood Road, Horsham.

West Sussex County Council turned down an application in June last year from Britaniacrest to build a recycling, recovery and renewable energy centre at the Horsham site.

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But Britaniacrest appealed, leading to a two-week public inquiry, chaired by planning inspector Ian Jenkins, which ended in November. He is expected to make a ruling in January on whether or not the incinerator can go ahead.

Meanwhile, UKWIN’s associate coordinator Josh Dowen said: “There is so much that is wrong about incineration and such an abundance of evidence to support the case against it that it can be hard for people to know where to start.”

He said the group’s new website was an “opportunity to put decades of knowledge and experience at the fingertips of anyone who wants to learn more, whether they are environmental campaigners, journalists, politicians or curious members of the public.”

The website address is