Horntye Park, Hastings. SUS-210409-130230001Horntye Park, Hastings. SUS-210409-130230001
Horntye Park, Hastings. SUS-210409-130230001

This is the Hastings Horntye site earmarked for 95 homes and a care home

Proposals have been put forward for a major development in Hastings to provide more than 90 new homes and a care home.

Developers are seeking outline permission for access and layout for the proposed redevelopment of land to provide 95 houses together with a 66-bed care home on land occupied by Horntye Park Sports Complex in Bohemia Road.

The scheme put forward by Hastings and Rother Sports Trust has received mix reaction from residents, who have submitted comments to Hastings Borough Council planners on the authority’s planning portal.

Peter Bailey said: “The Horntye sports area was deemed to be a suitable replacement for the Priory Meadow cricket ground 25 years ago and the ground was built to a high standard.

“I object to the loss of accessible recreational green spaces within community areas of which the Horntye complex is one. Grass roots sports are developed locally in each community area in Hastings at affordable prices.

“Will local teams have to pay more and travel more to get access to pitches? The housing development at Horntye will result in a loss of facilities in any which way you look at it and give rise to higher costs to smaller teams who are struggling financially.”

Dr Judith Montague said: “I object, as this ground was gifted as a play area for people to do sports after the Priory was taken away from people for cricket. Also it is a vital buffer for wildlife for the creatures of Hastings in the nearby woods. Their free areas need this buffer between them and local housing. The wildlife will suffer greatly from an increase in dogs and people. Biodiversity is protected by this green space buffer.”

Tara Reddy said: “This area is used by the community as a space that promotes wellbeing activities for the whole community. While we need affordable housing, building on this land will impact both natural wildlife and community wellbeing.”

Others were supportive of the plans.

David Le Lacheur said: “This appears to be an excellent scheme with plenty of open space that will bring major benefits to the town, not least the much needed affordable housing plus the centrally located care home.”

Andrew Osmond said: “The current facility at Horntye is no longer viable as a sport complex, given the amount of investment required to maintain and improve current infrastructure.

“The plans to build houses looks extremely well put together, in an area which feels like it is perfect for new homes.

“Hastings is a growing area and requires the identification of new sites to support its continued development. The plans themselves look well-designed, with plenty of outside space and room for homes.

“It’s time for Hastings to be progressive in its thinking and support this proposed development. The change is positive for the town, potential new buyers, and sports clubs who currently use the site.”

A design and access statement, on behalf of the applicants, said: “The varied use of boundary treatments, new tree planting and surface materials will create an attractive environment for new family housing with private landscaped gardens for the new care home.”

The application will be discussed by the borough council’s planning committee at a later date.

Peter Bailey said: “The Horntye sports area was deemed to be a suitable replacement for the Priory Meadow cricket ground 25 years ago and the ground was built to a high standard.