Pett & Pett Level
Everyone will be most welcome and let us hope and pray that the church will still be there in another 150 years!
Pett Level Preservation Society: Forty years ago the Pett level preservation Trust was formed to save our beautiful and distinctive local area from the threat of development. Donations came from residents of Pett and Pett Level as well as many others, and the Trust now owns 24 acres of land. Some work has been carried out over the years, most of it voluntary, but there is now a management plan to restore the land and its habitats for the benefit of plants and animals as well as providing easier access for visitors. However, even with the help of volunteers, such a plan will still cost money. The Trust has managed to secure some funding from Natural England and the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Community Fund but additional funding is desperately needed to pay for manpower and machinery. £15 could pay for the printing of membership forms. £50 could pay the expenses of Hastings Conservation Volunteers for one day’s work. £400 could pay for a day’s work for a contractor with a tractor and flail. The Trust would be grateful for any donation but for those who give £100 or more, their names will appear in the annual newsletter. So please consider making a donation and tell your friends and neighbours about the PLPT. For more information, please see the December edition of Pett Parish News.
Happy New Year!
Mary Saint