Chichester district and South Downs planning applications: December 12 to January 8
For more information about the planning applications below visit the Chichester District Council or South Downs National Park Authority websites – or take a look at last week’s planning applications from across the Chichester district on the Sussex World website at
AP/24/02887/PA1A: Cedar House, Birdham Road, Appledram. Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 5m (b) maximum height - 3m (c) height of eaves - 3m.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04902/HOUS: Orchard House, Bepton Road, Bepton. Enlarge existing side lightwell, formation of new front lightwell, external staircase and balustrading to serve existing basement accommodation and changes to fenestration to side and front elevations at basement level. Infilling existing recessed front entrance porch.
SDNP/24/05183/HOUS: Old Rectory Bell Lane, Bepton. Single and two storey extensions and front porch to dwelling, single storey extension to annexe, replacement garage with storage above and alterations to parking area and driveway.
BI/24/02808/TPA: Land North Of 10 To 29 Old Common Close, Birdham. Prune back to previous pruning points on 1 no. Black Poplar tree (T18), subject to BI/97/00036/TPO.
BI/24/02866/PLD: Unit 1 Carthagena Farm, Bell Lane, Birdham. Lawful Development Certificate [Proposed] for D1 medical/health use to include use as a small independent veterinary practice, in respect of Conditions 09 and 13 of planning permission BI/19/00444/FUL.
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Hide AdBO/24/02748/FUL: Broadbridge Business Centre, Delling Lane, Bosham. Proposed conversion of redundant dairy buildings to business units. (Removal of condition 4 of permission 97/00434/FUL - replace with new condition which restricts the use of units 1, 2, 3, 4 and the courtyard to following classess E, F1, F2).
BO/24/02829/DOM: Creek House, Shore Road, Bosham. Alterations and extension to existing dwelling and associated outbuilding and boundary walls – Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission BO/24/01810/DOM for proposed amendment to link building roof, new dormer windows and adjustment to boundary wall height.
BX/24/02850/TPA: Thatch Cottage, Church Lane, Boxgrove. Height reduce and width reduce by 2m on 1 no. Monterey Cypress tree (Macroca) (T1) within Group, G4, subject to 76/00102/TPO.
BX/24/02897/TCA: Thatch Cottage, Church Lane, Boxgrove. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Ash tree.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05004/APNB: Timberley Farm, Bury Common, Bury. Agricultural storage building.
SDNP/24/05026/APNDEM: Timberley Farm, Bury Common, Bury. Prior notification for the demolition of a timber framed, metal sheet wall storage building.
SDNP/24/05142/TCA: 5 Norfolk Cottages, The Street, Bury. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Hybrid Black Poplar tree (quoted as T1).
SDNP/24/05126/PA3R: Foxbury Farm, West Burton Road, West Burton. Change of use of 3 no. agricultural buildings and silos to Class C1 (Hotel).
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05229/OHL: Land West of Street Record, Tripp Hill, Bury. Overhead Electricity Lines - It is proposed to undertake the following work that is considered to be exempted from the Electricity Act 1989 by falling within the Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009: To Upgrade the existing Single Phase 11KV Overhead Electricity Cables to Three Phase 11KV Overhead Electricity Cables by installing an additional cable to the existing 2 cables. We are also proposing to install an additional Electricity Pole adjacent to the existing pole to house a new upgraded 100kva Transformer, this addition pole will require 2 additional poles as shown on the attached plan. The additional pole will not exceed the height of the existing poles. These cables currently provide the Electricity Supply to a single customer, and it will remain a single customer.
SDNP/24/04967/HOUS: Piemans Cottage, Hadworth Lane, Bury. Single storey rear extension with opening alterations.
CC/24/01668/DOM: 117 Maplehurst Road, Chichester. Single storey side and rear extension, fenestration alterations with 1 no. additional first floor window to east elevation and change of materials to elevations.
CC/24/02314/DOM: 40 Lyndhurst Road, Chichester. Removal of conservatory and proposed single storey flat roofed extension and internal demolition.
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Hide AdCC/24/02405/FUL: 9 West Street, Chichester. Conversion of existing hotel into four A1 retail units. In the alternative A3 Use Unit 1, Units 2, 3 and 4 A1 Retail Use and one residential unit. (Minor alterations to West Street and Chapel Street elevations). (Variation of condition 1 of permission 05/03799/FUL - extenstions to opening hours).
CC/24/02470/LBC: 93 East Street, Chichester. Alterations to signage.
CC/24/02498/DOM: 9 Bartholomews Terrace, Chatsworth Road, Chichester. Lean-to conservatory on rear elevation.
CC/24/02544/LBC: 10 Washington Street, Chichester. Rear single-storey flat roof extension to replace existing extension, with roof garden and remedial work to existing rear flint boundary wall.
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Hide AdCC/24/02550/DOM: 10 Washington Street, Chichester. Rear single-storey flat roof extension to replace existing extension, with roof garden and remedial work to existing rear flint boundary wall.
CC/24/02553/FUL: Piccolino, 31 - 33 South Street, Chichester. Change of use for outdoor seating area.
CC/24/02620/DOM: 13 Montagu Road, Chichester. Alterations to 1 no. window and addition of 1 no. door opening on front elevation, with ramp for wheelchair access.
CC/24/02695/ADV: 5 Baffins Court, Baffins Lane, Chichester. 1 no. non-illuminated hanging sign.
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Hide AdCC/24/02742/FUL: 34 Kensington Road, Chichester. Replacement of 2 no. ground floor windows on front elevation, 1 no. ground floor window on rear elevation and 1 no. door on side elevation.
CC/24/02747/LBC: 30 East Street, Chichester. Replacement 1 no. fascia sign.
CC/24/02773/DOM: The Beech House, 14 Brandy Hole Lane, Chichester. Extensions and alterations including roof solar panels, 1 no. carport/garage and modification of existing carport to create an annexe.
CC/24/02782/LBC: 45 South Street, Chichester. Fit demountable partitions to ground floor to create 4 no. meeting rooms and a kitchen area, and install sign to front elevation.
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Hide AdCC/24/02796/FUL: Unit 5 Portfield Way, Chichester. External alterations to existing unit and parking area.
CC/24/02797/FUL: Unit 5 Portfield Way, Chichester. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission CC/02/03399/FUL to allow a wider range of goods to be sold within Unit 5, and the erection of 1227sqm. replacement mezzanine floor.
CC/24/02802/LBC: 6 North Street, Chichester. Remove existing fascia sign and projecting sign to reveal existing painted timber fascia. Replace existing sliding entrance doors with timber hinged doors and sidelights. Repaint shopfront, fascia signage zone and new entrance doors with sidelights in heritage Magenta paint to match Farrow and Ball 'Rangwali'.
CC/24/02805/LBC: Chichester City Council, The Council House, North Street, Chichester. Replacement roof lantern.
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Hide AdCC/24/02821/PLD: 33 Oving Road, Chichester. Proposed lawful development - replace part of existing walls and new copings and repointing to remainder of existing walls.
CC/24/02823/TCA: 5 East Pallant, Chichester. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Plum tree (T5) and crown raise by 5m on 1 no. Ash tree (T).
CC/24/02836/TPA: 41 Lyndhurst Road, Chichester. Prune back to previous pruning points (knuckles) on 1 no. Maidenhair tree (T1), subject to 93/00284/TPO.
CC/24/02996/ADJ: St Anthonys School, Woodlands Lane, Chichester. Installation of a modular building comprising 2nr. classrooms for secondary pupils with SEND needs, ancillary spaces, and a new footpath (Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission WSCC/018/22 to allow the continued use and siting of temporary classroom unit for an additional five years).
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Hide AdCC/24/02915/TCA: Chichester Canal Trust, Canal Wharf, Chichester. Notification of intention to remove 1 no. lower limb on western sector (over public bench) on 1 no. Cherry tree (T9064 ).
CC/24/02919/DOM: 7 Cawley Road, Chichester. Installation of 6 no. solar pv panels to rear roof elevation.
Chidham & Hambrook
CH/24/02600/REM: Land West Of Drift Lane, Chidham. Application for the approval of reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline planning permission CH/20/03321/OUTEIA (Appeal reference APP/L3815/W/22/3295004) - for up to 68 no. dwellings and provision of associated infrastructure.
CH/24/02768/TPA: 7 Aviary Close, Hambrook, Chidham. Remove 1 no. lower overhanging limb back to main stem on western sector on 1 no. Maple tree (T1). Remove 3 no. overhanging limbs (over no 6 boundary) on western sector on 1 no. Ash tree (T2). Width reduce by up to 1m (just past fence line) on western sector on 1 no. Maple tree (T3) within Group, G1, subject to 02/00919/TPO.
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Hide AdCH/24/02785/FUL: Cobnor Activities Centre, Chidham Lane, Chidham. Proposed climbing wall installation.
CH/24/02857/TPA: Land East Of 6 Aviary Close, Hambrook, Chidham. Width reduce by up to 2m (to boundary fence) on western sector on 1 no. Maple tree (T4) with group, G1, subject to 02/00919/TPO.
CH/24/03001/PLD: Rithe House, Harbour Wa,y Chidham. Replacement of a substandard area of thatched roof with zinc.
CH/24/03002/FUL: Springfield, Hambrook Hill, South Hambrook, Chidham. Replacement dwelling and new garage (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission CH/15/01036/FUL - Amendment to east and west elevations including additional windows at first floor and 2no. dormers to front elevation of the garage).
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05103/TCA: Sawmill Barn, Church Lane, Compton. Notification of intention to reduce height by 3m, reduce 2 no. branches on south sector and 2 no. branches on west sector by up to 2m (clearing telephone wires) and crown thin by 10% on 1 no. Beech tree.
D/24/02455/TCA: Ashby Cottage, Selsey Road, Donnington. Notification of intention to width reduce on lower western sector by 2m on 1 no. Beech-tree (0602) and fell 1 no. Evergreen tree (0601).
SDNP/24/04744/LIS: Burton House , Burton Park Road, Duncton. Proposed remedial internal works to below parapet and chimney involving the replacement of decaying timber beams with steel beams and reinforced metal steel plates.
SDNP/24/04985/HOUS: Lavington Park, East Lodge , High Street, Duncton. Replacement extension to south elevation and internal reconfiguration.
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Hide AdE/24/02818/PA3MA: Land Rear Of Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley. Change the existing retail unit to 1 no. dwelling, under the provisions of Part 20, Class MA.
E/24/02832/PA3R: 101C First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere. Prior Approval for change of use of agricultural building to class E.
East Wittering And Bracklesham
EWB/24/02624/DOM: 8 Charlmead, East Wittering. Single storey rear extension, new dormer, fenestration alterations, and change of material to cladding.
East Wittering And Bracklesham
EWB/24/02813/DOM: 33 Peerley Road, East Wittering. Single storey rear extension.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04472/LIS: 111 Vanzell Cottage, Dodsley Lane, Easebourne. Provision of gas supply with exterior gas meter and boiler flue, removal of modern brick chimney piece in kitchen, fitting of sink unit and worktop in pantry and creation of sliding pocket door in timber stud wall on second floor.
SDNP/24/04818/HOUS: 11 Brackenwood, Easebourne. Orangery extension to rear elevation and installation of a garden shed.
SDNP/24/04807/HOUS: Laurel Cottage, 34 Lutener Road, Easebourne. Single storey rear extension and new garden building to replace existing garden shed.
SDNP/24/05261/HOUS: School House, Easebourne Street, Easebourne. Single storey side extension and associated internal alterations.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05262/LIS: School House, Easebourne Street, Easebourne. Single storey side extension and associated internal alterations.
East Dean
SDNP/24/05254/LIS: The Thatched House , Newhouse Lane, East Dean. Addition of a free standing garage (with extended drive) to replace existing integral garage. Conversion of existing integral garage into a study, and associated works.
East Lavington
SDNP/24/05003/HOUS: Denham , Graffham Road, East Lavington. Single storey rear extension, 1 no. rear porch, 1 no. front porch and replacement of rear windows and doors.
SDNP/24/04402/HOUS: Wassel Mill, Streels Lane, Ebernoe. Removal of post and rail fence and erection of replacement boundary wall.
Elsted and Treyford
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05129/TCA: Glebe House , Redlands Lane, Elsted. Notification of intention to fell 4 no. Sycamore trees (T1, T2, T3 & T4), 1 no. Ash tree (T5) and 1 no. Beech tree (T6).
SDNP/24/04673/HOUS: 1 Cooksbridge Cottage, Midhurst Road, Fernhurst. 2m high wall to replace existing hedgerow along south east (front) elevation.
SDNP/24/05050/TCA: Fernhurst Cemetery, Church Road, Fernhurst. Notification of intention to reduce height by 3m and reduce North, South and West sectors by 3m on 1 no. Common Ash tree (quoted as T1869). Fell 1 no. Common Ash tree (quoted as T438).
SDNP/24/05052/TCA: The Green, Fernhurst. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Common Ash tree (T130).
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Hide AdFB/24/02770/DOM: Troodos, 52 Salthill Road, Fishbourne. Single storey flat roof extension.
SDNP/24/04832/HOUS: Pitts Garden , Bedham Lane, Fittleworth. Internal and external alterations, including demolition and replacement of northern lean-to, and conversion of barn to habitable accommodation for ancillary use.
SDNP/24/04833/LIS: Pitts Garden , Bedham Lane, Fittleworth. Internal and external alterations, including demolition and replacement of northern lean-to, and conversion of barn to habitable accommodation for ancillary use.
SDNP/24/04894/HOUS: Tinkers, Graffham Street, Graffham. Proposed garden room and link extension to main dwelling. Re-landscaping of rear yard.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04895/LIS: Tinkers, Graffham Street, Graffham. Proposed garden room and link extension to main dwelling. Re-landscaping of rear yard.
SDNP/24/04994/TCA: Ambersham Farmhouse , Selham Road, South Ambersham, Graffham. Notification of intention to remove 1 no. lower limb on South, North and East sectors on 1 no. Scots Pine tree (T1). Reduce height by up to 3m, all sectors by up to 2m and crown lift to 4m (above ground level) on 1 no. Eucalyptus tree (T2). Crown lift to 4m (above ground level) on 1 no. Silver Maple tree (T3). Fell 2 no Conifer trees (T4 and T5).
SDNP/24/05015/HOUS: Bishops Hill, The Street, Graffham. Alterations to integral garage to create living accommodation, extension to west elevation, new rear porch, extension to roof on front elevation to create entrance portico, alterations to fenestration, recladding with render below, installation of solar panels and air source heat pump.
SDNP/24/04957/FUL: Willow Lodge Farm , Nyewood Road, Nyewood, South Harting. Construction of a facilities building and associated works.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05042/FUL: 1 & 2 Slate Cottages, East Harting Street, East Harting. Erection of detached garage and extension of existing track.
KD/24/02900/ELD: Cobfield, Petworth Road, Kirdford, Billingshurst. Use of former stables as a dwelling.
SDNP/24/03421/FUL: Brownings Farm, Glasshouse Lane, Kirdford. Erection of a covered cattle feed building and below ground dirty water tank.
SDNP/24/04919/HOUS: Hill House , Pook Lane, Lavant. Loft conversion over existing garage with rear dormer and front velux.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05046/CND: : Iron Hill Farm, Bensons Yard , Hollycombe Lane, Linch. Construction of storage building - Variation of Condition 8 of Planning Permission SDNP/20/00070/FUL to allow for sub-letting of storage building.
LM/24/02678/DOM: Middle Cottage, Camelsdale Road, Camelsdale, Haslemere. Single-storey side extension.
LX/24/02865/PA3Q: Trenchmore Farm, Drungewick Lane, Loxwood, Billingshurst. Change of use from agricultural building to a C3 residential dwelling and associated works.
LX/24/02937/ADV: Loxwood Nurseries, Guildford Road, Loxwood, Billingshurst. Retention of 5 no. flagpoles and 2 no. freestanding V signs for a temporary period of 24 months.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04829/TCA: Walnut Tree Cottage , High Hamstead Lane, Lurgashall. Notification of intention reduce height by up to 6m on 1 no. Walnut tree (quoted as 2). Crown reduce by up to 1m on 1 no. Magnolia tree (quoted as 1).
SDNP/24/04976/HOUS: Wheelwrights House , Hillgrove Lane, Lurgashall. Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory.
SDNP/24/05070/LIS: Aldworth Lodge , Tennysons Lane, Lurgashall. Repairs and replacement of ground floor flooring.
SDNP/24/05031/CND: North Marden Farm, East Marden Road, North Marden. Works to alter and regularise conversion works Approved under SDNP/17/01143/CND for change of use of traditional farm buildings to form a single dwelling and replacement ancillary buildings - Variation of Conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission SDNP/22/01337/FUL - to provide additional time for completion of works and to resolve height of roofs discrepancies shown on roof approved (as amended by SDNP/22/03106/CND) and the height from eaves to ridge stipulated on enforcement notice SDNP/18/00228/RECON - HT/32 - Variation of Conditions 1 and 2 of Planning Permission SDNP/24/02418/CND for alterations to the wording of Condition 1 in relation to replacement tiles, and internal layout of East and West Barns and glazing within the link structure between the North and South Barns.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04691/HOUS: 113 The Fairway, Midhurst. : Removal of existing conservatory and proposed side extension.
SDNP/24/05069/TPO: Heathfield Lodge , Carron Lane, Midhurst. Pollard down to approx. 3.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Cedar tree (quoted as T1). Fell 1 no. Conifer tree (quoted as T2). Reduce height (to previous reduction points) on 7 no. Conifer trees (quoted as G1). All 9 no. trees within Area, A1 subject to MI/64/00670/TPO.
SDNP/24/05150/TCA: Sundew , June Lane, Midhurst. Notification of intention to fell 3 no. Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) trees (T1, T2 & T3).
SDNP/24/05250/PA3R: New Barn Farm, Rake Road, Milland. Change of use of agricultural barns (B1 and B2) to commercial uses (Class E(g)(iii)).
North Mundham
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Hide AdNM/24/02754/FUL: Lowlands, North Mundham. Erection of 39 no. dwellings and associated development, including landscaping, highways and parking. Application under s73 to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of permission 20/01686/FUL to enable design and layout amendments in respect of 22 plots. Changes to various other conditions in order to reflect updated plan and report revision numbers.
NM/24/02806/FUL: Fisher Common Nursery, Fisher Lane, North Mundham. Demolition of 1 no. agricultural building and erection of 1 no. new dwelling with associated works (alternative to permission approved under 24/01424/PA3Q).
NM/24/02846/OBG: Lowlands Nursery, North Mundham. Request to alter the tenure of 12 no. affordable housing dwellings from 4 x Shared Ownership and 8 x Affordable Rent to 12 x Shared Equity in reference to NM/20/01686/FUL.
SDNP/24/05075/LIS: The Flat, Kitchen Court, High Street, Petworth. Replacement of 12 no. windows.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05058/LIS: Harwoods Garage, North Street, Petworth. Replacement of tile roof finish to garage flats, including partial removal and rebuilding of 2no. chimneys.
Plaistow And Ifold
PS/24/02279/FUL: The Coach House, Oak Lane, Shillinglee, Plaistow. Glampng Site: Seasonal use between 1st April and 30th September Maximum 60 days use between this period. 15 x 4.5 meter diameter Bell Tents, 1 x 6m x 6m freestanding Marquee, 1 x sectional built free standing compost toilet, 1 x sectional free standing timber shed 3.5m x 1.8m, Tents to be taken down during the winter and stored in the timber shed.
PS/24/02339/TPA: Sylvania Copse, Plaistow Road, Ifold, Loxwood. Remove 1 no. branch on south sector and 1 no. branch on east sector 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T1), remove 2 no. branches on south sector on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T2), remove 1 no. branch on north-east sector on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T3), crown lift (all round) by 3.5-4m (above ground level) on 1 no. Hornbeam tree (quoted as T4), reduce height by 3m and reduce all sectors by 1.5-2m on 1 no. Hawthorn tree (quoted as T5), height reduce by 2-3m and reduce east sector by 2m on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T11), fell 1 no. Ash tree (quoted as T12) and reduce height by 3m and reduce sectors (all round) by 2m on 1 no. Liquid Amber reduce tree (quoted as T13), all trees within Area, A1 subject to PS/03/00837/TPO.
SDNP/24/03921/FUL: Land West of Langley Lane, London Road, Rake, Rogate. Change use of the land for mixed agriculture/game farming, with proposed construction of new storage barn and associated works.
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Hide AdSDNP/24/04697/FUL: Durleigh Marsh Car Sales, Durleighmarsh, Rogate. Double garage / external storage area.
SDNP/24/04899/HOUS: Little Durford, Durford Wood, Rogate. Erection of pool house and indoor swimming pool.
SY/24/02414/DOM: Little Gable, 2 Manor Farm Court, Selsey. Single-storey front extension and replacement of existing conservatory with single-storey rear extension.
SY/24/02713/ELD: Wardens Caravan, Black Horse Caravan Park, Mill Lane, Selsey. Existing lawful development certificate for the continued use as a residential caravan for occupation by the site ward and their family.
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Hide AdSY/24/02781/PLD: 17 Green Lane, Selsey. Infill of existing front porch recess. Reposition of side door access. Conversion of existing garage to habitable space.
SY/24/02809/PLD:7 The Horseshoe, Selsey. Single storey rear extension.
SY/24/02827/PA6ABE: Pigeon House Farm, Grange Lane, Church Norton, Selsey. Proposed erection of an agricultural storage building.
SI/24/02594/ELD: 82A Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester. Existing Lawful Development - stationing of 1 no. caravan.
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Hide AdSI/24/02704/PA3Q: Oakhurst Barns, Ham Road, Sidlesham. Conversion of an agricultural building into 2 no. dwellinghouses, under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) 2015 (as amended).
SDNP/24/05007/TCA: The Rectory , The Grove, Singleton. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Ash tree (quoted as T3).
SB/24/02477/DOM: 276 Main Road, Southbourne, Emsworth. Single storey rear extension and 1 no. box dormer and 2 no. roof lights.
SB/24/02755/FUL: Land North Of 235 Main Road, Southbourne, Emsworth. 2 no. dwellings with associated amenity space and parking.
Stedham With Iping
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Hide AdSDNP/24/05215/TPO: Stedham Mill , Mill Lane, Stedham. Reduce 1 no. lower lateral branch (south-east sector) by 5m on 1 no. London Plan (T1), subject to SJ/83/00954/TPO.
TG/24/02810/TPA: Playing Field North Of Tangmere Village Centre, Malcolm Road, Tangmere. Notification of intention to crown lift to 2.1m (above ground level) on south, east and west sectors and 6m (above ground level) on north sector on 1 no. Oak tree (T8), crown lift to 2.1m (above ground level) and reduce east sector by 1.5m on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T59), remove minor stems up to 2.1m (above ground level) on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T58), remove minor stems up to 2.1m (above ground level) and remove 3 no. smallest limbs growing from base on south, east and west sectors on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T57), crown lift to 2.1m (above ground level) and reduce west sector by 2m on 1 no. Apple tree (T16), remove epicormic growth from base and up to 2.1m (above ground level) on 1 no. Lime tree (T51), 1 no. Hawthorn tree (T17) and 1 no. London Plane tree (T50), crown lift to 2.1m (above ground level) on 1 no. Apple tree (T48) and 1 no. Oak tree (T23), crown lift to 2.1m above ground level and remove epicormic growth from base and up to 2.1m above ground level on 5 no. Norwegian Maple trees (T14/T18/T19/T20/T27) and 6 no. Robinia trees (T24/T25/T26/T28/T29/T30).
TG/24/02895/TCA: Orchard Corner, Chestnut Walk, Tangmere. Notification of intention to reduce height by up to 4m and reduce south sector (over road) by up to 1m on 2 no. clusters of Leylandi trees (quoted as T1 and T2).
SDNP/24/05184/TCA: Land adjacent to St Marys Church , Church Farm Lane, Upwaltham. Notification of intention to fell 2 no. Ash trees (T1 and T2).
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Hide AdWE/24/02570/FUL: Racton View, Marlpit Lane, Hambrook, Westbourne. Change use of land for the stationing of 2 no. caravans for residential purposes, erection of associated 2 no. utility buildings and associated landscaping.
WE/24/02779/ELD: Land East Of Southwood Park Estate, Common Road, Hambrook, Westbourne. Use of land for stationing of a caravan for residential purposes.
WE/24/02783/DOM: 2 Willow Gardens, Westbourne. Two storey side extension, new porch and enlargement and roof alterations to existing garage to create workshop.
WE/24/02807/DOM: Merrygarth, North Street, Westbourne. Replacement single storey rear extension.
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Hide AdWH/24/02896/OBG: Land Within The Westhampnett / North East Chichester Strategic Development Location (north Of Madgwick Lane) Chichester. OBG Application relating to item 6 of the S106 associated with application 20/02824/OUT.
Wisborough Green
WR/24/02459/FUL: Fishers Adventure Farm Park, Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green. New vehicular exit and associated works and gate.
WR/24/02789/TCA: Wickets Cottage, Petworth Road, Wisborough Green. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 1.5m, crown thin by 30% and remove lower epicormic growth on 2 no. Silver Birch trees (quoted as 1 and 2).
West Dean
SDNP/24/04841/HOUS: North Stonerock Cottage , 71 Chilgrove Park Road, West Dean. Single storey garden studio. SDNP/24/05249/CND: Brick Kiln Farm , Hylters Lane, Chilgrove. Change of use from agricultural building to retail (A1). Wood burner stove centre with external alteration, associated landscaping and car parking. Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 3 (restricted use) to allow the use of the premises as a forestry office (Class E) with limited retail use (Class A1) for the sale of wood products.
West Wittering
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Hide AdWW/24/02575/DOM: Winters Moon, East Strand, West Wittering. Ground floor front extension, alterations to 1 no. first floor window on front elevation, and reroofing of existing garage.
WW/24/02792/PLD: Omega, 59 The Crescent, West Wittering. Proposed rear extension with alterations and additions to fenestration.
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