Low-carbon energy company Hemiko was selected to develop the Worthing Heat Network.
The investor, developer and operator of low carbon heat networks announced on Thursday, January 30 that there has been an ‘important change’ to dates for night-time closures of the High Street Surface Car Park.
A social media post read: “We have had to alter the dates for the planned night-time closures of High Street Surface level car park and would like to keep you updated on the latest schedule.
“The High Street Surface Car Park will be closed for three nights between the hours of 7pm and 5am on February 3, 4, and 5. We wanted to explain to you why the closure is in effect, what alternative parking is available, how you or your organisation might be affected, and who you can speak to if you would like more information or want to provide feedback.
“We wanted to explain to you why the closure is in effect, what alternative parking is available, how you or your organisation might be affected, and who you can speak to if you would like more information or want to provide feedback.”
Hemiko said there are ongoing construction works taking place until March 2025 on the section of High Street near the multi-storey car park and the grass verges outside of the car park.
A spokesperson added: “As part of these works, a night-time closure of the High Street Surface Car Park at 39 High Street will be in effect from the hours of 7pm to 5am on February 3, 4, and 5.
“During the closure period, vehicles will only be able to exit the car park; Hemiko staff, identifiable by their high visibility vests, will be on hand to support drivers as needed.
“High Street Surface Car Park will remain open during the day but will have a road plate installed to allow safe passing to and from the car park. The road plate will be placed over the trench where pipework is being installed. Once the road is reinstated to its original condition, the road plate will be removed.”
For more information, contact [email protected].

1. Worthing Heat Network
Worthing Borough Council is working in partnership with low-carbon energy company Hemiko to deliver the Worthing Heat Network – a pioneering scheme which will bring sustainable heating to buildings and homes across the borough. Photo: Eddie Mitchell

2. Worthing Heat Network
Worthing Borough Council is working in partnership with low-carbon energy company Hemiko to deliver the Worthing Heat Network – a pioneering scheme which will bring sustainable heating to buildings and homes across the borough. Photo: Eddie Mitchell

3. Worthing Heat Network
Worthing Borough Council is working in partnership with low-carbon energy company Hemiko to deliver the Worthing Heat Network – a pioneering scheme which will bring sustainable heating to buildings and homes across the borough. Photo: Eddie Mitchell

4. Worthing Heat Network
Worthing Borough Council is working in partnership with low-carbon energy company Hemiko to deliver the Worthing Heat Network – a pioneering scheme which will bring sustainable heating to buildings and homes across the borough. Photo: Eddie Mitchell