Planning applications submitted to Arun District Council
and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565
For more information about the planning applications below visit the Arun District Council website.
AL/14/21/T: Land Between 8-10 Barnett Close, Westergate. T1-T14 Silver Birches - Canopy reduction to 6-8m in width and 10-14m in height.
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Hide AdAW/127/21/HH: 233 Manor Way. Rear single and two storey extension. (The application may affect the setting of the Aldwick Bay Conservation Area).
AW/109/21/HH: 3 West Avenue. Erection of a garage with adjacent utility room.
AW/118/21/T: 14 Margaret Close. Fell 1 No. Sycamore tree and replace with Sycamore or Silver Birch.
AW/124/21/HH: 2 Lodge Court. Proposed side and rear extension.
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Hide AdAW/133/21/HH: 26 Christchurch Crescent. Single storey extension with pitched roof.
AW/145/21/T: 15 Acorn End. Crown reduction of 1 No. Sycamore to 11.5m in height and 4.5m in width.
AW/147/21/T: 23 West Avenue. Oak T1- Reduce Western side of tree to 1.5-2m and reduction of 1m away from BT line.
A/64/21/PL: Former Shrublands Nursery, Roundstone Lane. Demolition of existing buildings & erection of 40 No. residential dwellings including 12 No. (30%) affordable units & associated landscaping, road layout, parking & provision of Public Open Space. This site is in CIL Zone 2 & is CIL Liable as new dwellings.
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Hide AdA/67/21/PO: Land South of Water Lane. Application to modify planning obligations dated 07/03/19 under A/99/17/OUT concerning Definition of Green Infrastructure, Mortgagee in Possession Clause, Financial Contributions and Off Site Highway Works.
A/42/21/HH: 14 Mill Road. Part conversion of garage to habitable use.
A/62/21/HH: 8 Lavender Way. Erection of a small one storey extension to the rear of the property.
A/63/21/HH: 16 Woodlands Close. Single storey side extension. This is a resubmission, with minor amendments, to approved application A/156/20/HH.
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Hide AdA/66/21/HH: 16 Pine Trees Close. Erection of single storey side extension and provision of 2 parking spaces following demolition of existing garage.
A/70/21/HH: 66a Arundel Road. Single storey rear extension & Velux to loft space.
A/71/21/HH: Rond Point, Ham Manor Way. Erection of new fence adjacent to front boundary.
A/75/21/T: Blue Cedars, 1 Blue Cedars Close. Crown reduction to 1 No. Macrocarpa to 4.0 m approximately in width. The overall height will also be reduced to a final height of approximately 10 metres.
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Hide AdAB/29/21/L: 78 Maltravers Street. Listed building consent to replace windows 2 No. front and 1 No. rear windows. Replicas of existing design, with 4-4-4 ultra lite glazing, 3 No. box frames with sash.
AB/40/21/HH: Herricks, School Lane. Repair and painting of the exterior walls, doors and windows to the front and rear elevation. (This application may affect the setting of the Arundel Conservation Area) (This application may affect the setting of a Listed Building).
AB/41/21/L: Herricks, School Lane. Listed building consent for the repair and painting of the exterior walls, doors and windows to the front and rear elevation.
AB/44/21/HH: Fern Cottage, 5A Surrey Street. Proposed loft conversion (This application may affect the setting of the Arundel Conservation Area).
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Hide AdAB/49/21/PL: Old Bank House, 1 High Street. Replacement of all windows with new timber double glazed sliding box sash windows and the proposed rendering of the South Elevation (front) and the West Elevation (side) with render painted white. This application may affect the setting of a Listed Building and affects the character and appearance of the Arundel Conservation area.
AB/50/21/L: Old Bank House, 1 High Street. Listed building consent for the replacement of all windows with new timber double glazed sliding box sash windows and the proposed rendering of the South Elevation (front) and the West Elevation (side) with render painted white.
AB/52/21/PL: Old Bank House, 3 High Street. Replacement of all windows with new timber double glazed sliding box sash windows and the proposed rendering of the South Elevation (front) with render painted white . This application affects the setting of a Listed Building and the character and appearance of the Arundel Conservation area.
AB/45/21/PL: Former Gasholder Station (land opposite Arundel Cemetry), Ford Road. Remediation works to mitigate potential liabilities associated with ground conditions resulting from the site’s historic use as a gasworks. This site is in CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated) as other development.
Barnham & Eastergate
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Hide AdBN/43/21/HH: 25 Skylark Way, Barnham. Extension to garage and redesign roof.
BE/52/21/A: Warburton’s Bognor Depot, Unit 2, Walker Lane, Bognor Regis. Installation of various signage.
BE/57/21/A: Unit 5, Saltbox Road. Various internally illuminated & non illuminated advertisements.
Bognor Regis
BR/81/21/CLE: 3 Beatty Road. Readvertisement due to Amended plan. Lawful development certificate for the existing change of use of building from dwelling (C3 Dwelling house) to a 6 bed HMO (C4 House in Multiple Occupation).
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Hide AdBR/85/21/HH: 12 Cavendish Road. Proposed flat roof balcony and open framed and top glazed veranda unit.
CM/16/21/PL: Bairds Farm Shop, Garden Centre, Crookthorn Lane. Convert existing on site storage to picnic area with fast food Cafe. This application may affect the setting of a Listed Building. This application is in CIL Zone 5 (Zero Rated) as other development.
CM/17/21/PL: Land at Wren Cottage, Horsemere Green Lane. Development of 2 No. 2-bed & 2 No. 3-bed detached dwellings & associated works (resubmission following CM/53/20/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 3 & is CIL Liable as new dwellings.
CM/18/21/PL: Land adj Mistletoe Farm, Horsemere Green Lane. Erection of 1 No. 3 bed dwelling. This application is within CIL Zone 3 and is CIL liable as new dwelling.
East Preston
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Hide AdEP/23/21/HH: 6 The Drive. Side and rear ground floor extension to provide a bedroom and bathroom.
EP/33/21/HH: 6 Upper Drive. Single storey front extension.
EP/34/21/HH: 69 Roundstone Drive. Part two storey, part single storey side/rear extension.
EP/35/21/HH: 46 Manor Road. Rear extension, associated works, new porch, replacement of fenestration and erection of solar panel array.
EP/37/21/HH: 2 South View. Replacement of cladding to gables and upper wall sections.
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Hide AdFP/82/21/HH: 6 The Loop. New front entrance porch, side dormers and pitch roof to the existing first floor room and a pitch roof rear extension to form a new drawing room.
FP/84/21/PL: Land adjacent to The Gun Post, Clyde Road. 1 No. additional self-contained beach hut with sleeping accommodation. This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as other development.
FP/86/21/PL: 7 Ambleside Close. Erection of 1 No. 3 bed dwelling (resubmission following FP/179/20/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 4 & is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
FG/62/21/PL: Onslow Caravan Park, Onslow Drive. Variation of condition 4 imposed under FG/127/20/PL relating to approved landscaping scheme.
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Hide AdFG/65/21/T: 148 Littlehampton Road. Various works to 1 No. Monterey cypress (T2).
FG/69/21/T: North Hangleton, 63 Langbury Lane. Crown reduction to 1 No. Holm Oak by 20% (2.5m) and crown lift to 3.0m from ground level. This will leave a span of approximately 15m and height of 15m.
K/13/21/HH: York Lodge, Brookside Road, East Preston. Proposed first floor extension above existing ground floor rear extension with new barn hip to gable to north elevation to replace existing full hip. Extension to first floor loft to include new flat roof dormer to rear roof slope and minor alterations to front west dormer and the addition of rooflights to north, south, west elevations.
K/14/21/HH: Peterley, 45 Coastal Road. External staircase from first floor balcony to ground.
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Hide AdLU/116/21/PL: Land South Of The Littlehampton Academy, Fitzalan Road. Erection of 112 No. residential units with access from Fitzalan Road, open space, hard and soft landscaping works, internal roads/footways, car and cycle parking, substation, bin store and associated engineering and infrastructure works. This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated).
LU/121/21/HH: 17 Peregrine Road. Erection of a new garage.
M/45/21/HH: 2 Ancton Drive, Ancton. Welch Single storey rear extension.
M/47/21/HH: 22 Tudor Close. Removal of existing roof structure, new first floor accommodation and pitched roof above and replacement rear two storey extension and new front porch extension.
M/49/21/HH: 177 Middleton Road. First floor rear velux window, replacement of first floor dormer on rear elevation, 2 No. first floor dormer windows on south elevation, single storey side extension & single storey side infill extension.
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Hide AdM/51/21/HH: 25 West Close. Part two storey part single storey rear extension.
P/57/21/PL: Land West of Pagham Road and Land South of Summer Lane. Change of use of 12.16 hectares of agricultural land to use for Alternative Natural Green Space, Public Open Space, Allotments & SUDS Scheme ( 7.48 hectares) and use for a local centre comprising a library, health, child care facilities and a 1/2 FE Primary School. This site affects a Public Right of Way & is in CIL Zone SP2 (Zero Rated) as other development.
P/48/21/T: 20 Spinnaker View. Crown reduction of 2 No. Poplar trees to 26m in height and 5m in width.
P/51/21/HH: 41 Cardinals Drive. Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension and erection of detached outbuilding.
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Hide AdP/54/21/HH: 28 Cardinals Drive. Change of roof shape to pitched parapet over part of rear extension flat roof. Extensions already approved in P/122/20/HH.
P/58/21/HH: 21 Barons Mead. Single storey side extension.
R/66/21/HH: 30 Harsfold Road. Demolition of existing side lean-to extension and construction of single storey rear extension.
R/76/21/HH: 4 Preston Paddock. Erection of single storey rear extension.
R/78/21/HH: Corner Cottage, 14 Central Avenue. Additional dormer to rear and change to pitched roof over rear dormers.
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Hide AdWA/19/21/PL: Wandleys Farm, Wandleys Lane. Variation of condition 2 imposed under WA/76/17/PL relating to condition 2-approved plans to amend design of main house.
Y/46/21/L: The Chapel, Bilsham Lane, Bilsham. Listed building consent for the partial conversion of existing outbuilding to habitable accommodation (as ancillary accommodation main dwelling).
Y/49/21/RES: Land East of Drove Lane. Approval of reserved matters following Y/92/17/OUT for 300 No. dwellings covering landscape, layout, scale & external appearance (resubmission following Y/78/20/RES). This application affects the setting of listed buildings, affects the character & appearance of the Main Road/Church Road, Yapton Conservation Area & affects a Right of Way. This site falls within Strategic Site SD7 (Zero Rated).
Y/45/21/HH: The Chapel, Bilsham Lane, Bilsham. Partial conversion of existing outbuilding to habitable accommodation (as ancillary accommodation main dwelling).
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Hide AdY/48/21/PL: Land south of Ford Lane, East of North End Road. Construction of temporary vehicular access off North End Road for three years to allow safe access to the affordable units throughout the remaining period of construction within the application site following Y/82/20/RES. This site is in CIL Zones 2 & 3 (Zero Rated) as other development.