Planning applications submitted to Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority
and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565
For more information about the planning applications below visit the Chichester District Council or South Downs National Park Authority websites.
AP/20/00566/TPA: Dell Quay Marine, Dell Quay Yacht Yard, Dell Quay Road. Re-pollard (back to previous pollard points) on 5 no. Poplar trees (marked on plan as T1-T4 and T6) T2 and T4-T7, subject to AP/90/00003/TPO.

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Hide AdBI/20/00489/DOM: Morello, Cherry Lane. Two storey side extension and alterations.
BI/20/00551/DOM: Cornerways House, 15 Greenacre. 2 storey rear extension, open sided porch (removal of existing porch), roof pitches to existing attached flat roof garage, new external wall and roof finishes. New and replacement windows and doors.
BO/20/00568/DOM: 2, Penwarden Way. Single storey rear extension.
BO/20/00571/DOM: 1 Elm Terrace, Green Lane. Rear extension
BX/20/00459/DOM: 25, Priors Acre. Loft Conversion.
CC/20/00382/DOM: 10, Carlisle Gardens. Ground and first floor rear extensions and first floor side extension.
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Hide AdCC/20/00401/TCA: 21, West Street. Notification of intention to reduce height by 2m on 1 no. Griselinia tree (T1). Reduce height by 1.5m on 1 no. Yew tree (T2) and 1 no. Bay (T3).
CC/20/00418/FUL: Chichester Racquets And Fitness Club, Oaklands Way. Proposed 2 no. Padel tennis courts on the area currently occupied by 2 no. junior tennis courts.
CC/20/00494/TPA: 142, Broyle Road. Crown reduce (all round) by 25% and crown thin by 25% on 1 no Beech tree (Quoted as T1) subject to CC/69/00173/TPO.
CC/20/00594/LBC: The Council House, North Street. Schedule of External Repairs.
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Hide AdD/20/00124/FUL: Bridge House, Selsey Road. Change of use of land from agricultural to residential and the creation of tennis court, replacement fencing and new hedge-screening.
D/20/00552/DOM: Bridge House, Selsey Road. Erection of an orangery.
D/20/00553/LBC: Bridge House, Selsey Road. Erection of an orangery
FB/20/00482/TCA: The Mill, Mill Lane. Notification of intention to reduce crown (all round) by 1.5m on 1 no. Ash tree (T1).
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Hide AdFB/20/00556/DOM: 5, Gilpin Close. 2 storey extension to front of dwelling.
FU/20/00234/FUL; Newells Farm, Land West Of Newells Lane. Change of use of land for the stationing of 4 no. static caravans and 4 no. touring caravans for a Gypsy Traveller site, including parking, hard standing and associated infrastructure.
FU/20/00534/FUL: Land South Of The Stables, Scant Road. Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 2 no. gypsy families and construction of 2 no. ancillary amenity buildings, including the laying of hardstanding, erection of boundary wall.
LM/20/00524/DOM: Acacia, Copse Road. Demolition of existing stores on rear elevation and erection of single storey rear and first floor front extensions. Infill of existing open fronted porch with canopy roof above. Dormers to rear elevation roof slope.
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Hide AdLX/20/00558/PA3O: The Parade, C I & S G Aldridge, Guildford Road. Conversion of first floor B1(a) office to 1 no. 1 bedroom flat and 1 no. 2 bedroom flat (C3).
North Mundham
NM/20/00053/FUL: Lakeside Holiday Park, Vinnetrow Road. Use of land and associated operational development for the stationing of 34 no. lodge style holiday caravans and associated facilities.(variation of condition 2 of permission NM/15/02356/FUL - changes to layout of the permitted holiday units).
NM/20/00254/DOM: Severels, Runcton Lane. Extend dormer window, re-roofing, alterations to ground floor fenestration and installation of glass balustrade to roof terraces.
NM/20/00255/LBC: Severels, Runcton Lane. Extend dormer window, re-roofing, alterations to ground floor fenestration and installation of glass balustrade to roof terraces. Internal alterations to kitchen and bathrooms.
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Hide AdNM/20/00535/DOM: Manor Cottage, Saltham Lane. Demolition of existing conservatory. Proposed rear extension, two storey side extension, front porch and associated works.
NM/20/00536/LBC: Manor Cottage, Saltham Lane. Demolition of existing conservatory. Proposed rear extension, two storey side extension, front porch and associated works.
SB/20/00358/FUL: Land North Of Main Road And West Of Inland Road. Alterations to SB/14/02800/OUT. Cladding added to the front elevations of 6 no. dwellings (Plots 68, 69, 72, 73, 76 & 77).
SB/20/00441/FUL: Land South Of Prinsted Lane, Prinsted Lane. Change of Use from horse paddock to dog walking field with 2m high deer fencing around the entirety of the site.
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Hide AdSI/20/00200/PA3Q: Saltwinds, 86 Fletchers Lane. Prior approval sort for Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to 2 no. Dwellinghouses (Class C3), and for building operations
reasonably necessary for the conversion.
SI/20/00434/FUL: The Fairways, Brimfast Lane. Removal of existing building granted prior approval for change of use to C3 dwelling houses under 19/00757/PA3P and existing stable / storage building, and erection of a single storey new build dwelling and detached car port.
SY/20/00085/FUL: Park Farm, Park Lane. Construction of a 3 storey 64 bed care home.
SY/20/00379/FUL: The Apple Building, Ellis Square. Change of use of Class B1 office building to private gym and health club with associated access, car parking and landscaping - Class D2 Leisure & Recreation use.
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Hide AdTG/20/00233/DOM: Oldbury Barns, Marsh Lane. Installation of woodburning stove and flue.
TG/20/00370/TPA : 26, Middleton Gardens. Reduce crown (all round) by up to 4m and crown thin by 30% on 1 no. London Plane tree (T47), subject to TG/91/01021/TPO.
TG/20/00554/DOM: 3, Copse Farm Cottages. Single storey extension to rear and new porch to front elevation.
Wisborough Green
WR/20/00538/DOM: Champions Farm, Newpound Lane. Single storey oak framed extension.
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Hide AdWR/20/00539/LBC: Champions Farm, Newpound Lane. Single storey oak framed extension.
SDNP/20/00742/LIS: Glasshouse, Fittleworth Road. Restoration, repair and refurbishment.
SDNP/20/00612/TCA: Orchard End , West Burton Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Lawson Cypress tree (T1), 1 no. Cherry tree (T2) and 1 no. Lawson Cypress Glauca tree (T3).
SDNP/20/00541/FUL: Woodlands, Vann Common. Removal and deposition of soil, excavated for the foundations, to fulfilment of a license for a wild flower meadow at Van Common.
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Hide AdSDNP/20/00387/HOUS: Kingshott, Ropes Lane. Single storey side extension to existing detached property & re-positioning of oil tank. Additional roof-light in existing roof area.
SDNP/20/00332/FUL: Coombe Cottage, West Harting Road. Demolition and replacement dwelling.
SDNP/20/00443/FUL: Torberry Farm, B2146 Ditcham Lane To Hurst Mill Lane. Erection of welcome/office building, extension to production building, re-cladding of office/staff building, changes to fenestration, erection of balcony, relocation of educational glasshouse, formation of overflow car park and extension to car park, continued use of external storage areas and associated landscaping.
SDNP/20/00024/FUL: Linchmere Cricket Club, Lower Lodge Road. Artificial practice pitch hard base with carpet on top.
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Hide AdSDNP/20/00578/FUL: Village Hall, Gills Lane. Single storey extension.
SDNP/20/00589/FUL: Plash Barn Farm, Jobsons Lane. All weather area for the exercise and training of horses.
SDNP/20/00826/APNB: Blackdown Park, Fernden Lane. New building for storage of equipment associated with agricultural and forestry activity on the estate.
SDNP/19/05893/TCA: Land adjacent to Midhurst Methodist Church, North Street. Notification of intention to fell 2 no. Red Oak trees, 5 no. Ash trees, 4 no. Sycamore trees, 1 no. Whitebeam tree and 1 no. Horse Chestnut trees. Pollard (down to fracture point) 1 no. Poplar tree.
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Hide AdSDNP/20/00656/HOUS: 23 Guillards Oak. Two storey side extension and associated works.
SDNP/20/00471/FUL: St Michaels Church, A283 Luffs Meadow To Pipers Lane. Relocation of the existing south door to the south porch and installation of glazed internal door.
SDNP/20/00466/HOUS: 22 Willow Walk. Replace outbuilding to rear of property.
SDNP/20/00784/TCA: Red House, Red House Court. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Silver Birch tree.
Stedham With Iping Parish Council
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Hide AdSDNP/20/00756/CND: Wispers, Titty Hill, Milland. Proposed livestock and general purpose barn - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SDNP/17/03640/FUL - Minor alterations and proposed revisions to include altered roof design, main door design, revised flu position and the installation of ventilation slits to the gable ends.
West Dean
SDNP/20/00278/PA3R: The Grain Store, Chilgrove Farm, Old West Dean Road. Application for prior approval for the change use of agricultural building to Class B8 storage under Part 3, Class R.
SDNP/20/00607/HOUS: Honey House, Linch Road. Proposed detached single garage and utility store room.