Planning applications submitted to Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority

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The following planning applications have been made to Chichester District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority between July 8 and 17.

For more information about the planning applications below visit the Chichester District Council or South Downs National Park Authority websites.


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AP/19/01642/FUL: Club Housem Dell Quay Roadm Dell Quay. Infill gap between 2 no. trees and replace hedge and 2 no. bushes with two sections of 1.8m x 1.8m fence panels.

Planning applicationsPlanning applications
Planning applications


BI/19/01633/DOM: Martins Lea, Martins Lane. First floor extension and conversion of part of roof void including 2 no. dormer windows. Single storey ground floor extension and replacement porch. Associated internal and external alterations.

BI/19/01672/DOM: Oak Cottage, Martins Lane. Proposed 2 no. dormers on front and rear elevation and 1 no. Juliet balcony on side elevation and associated alterations.


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BO/19/01777/TPA: Merry Harbour, Smugglers Lane. Crown lift by up to 4m (above ground level), reduce heights and north sectors by 2m on 2 no. Oak trees (quoted as T1 and T2) within Area, A1 subject to BO/81/00058/TPO.


SDNP/19/03201/TCA: The Barton, The Street. Notification of intention to crown reduce by 1m (all round) on 1 no. Mature Copper Beech tree (marked on plan as T1).


CC/19/00878/TPA: Osborn Mews, Richmond Avenue. Fell 1 no. Tree of Heaven (tag on tree quoted as 3733) within Group, G1 subject to CC/06/00025/TPO.

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CC/19/01748/LBC: 86-87 North Street. Removal of smoke damaged paint to 17th Century plasterwork.

CC/19/01764/OBG: Bognor Road. Deeds of Variation to the s.106 Agreement relating to Bognor Road, Chichester.

CC/19/01755/FUL: Land Adjacent To The Mainline Tavern, Whyke Road. 2 no. four bedroom semi-detached C4 Class (HMO) student residential dwellings with access off Whyke Road, new cycle store for 27 cycles, re-arranged car parking for 6 no. cars with 2 no. electric charging points and rear amenity space.

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CC/19/01785/PA3C: 13 Market Road. Change of use of ground floor from A1 to A3 including minor alterations to shop front and internal layout.

CC/19/01792/DOM: 6 Grove Road. Erection of two storey rear extension.

Chidham & Hambrook

CH/19/01595/FUL: Coxs Farm, Broad Road, Hambrook. Widening of existing agricultural access (from 3m to 6m wide) to Coxs Farm including the demolition of 2 no. dwellings and associated engineering works. Proposal would improve access for agricultural vehicles and also facilitate the potential future development of land to the east of the site.

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CH/19/01661/DOM: Cut Mill House, Cut Mill, Chidham. To construct a 1st floor bedroom extension.


SDNP/19/02517/HOUS: Hillfoot Cottage, Cocking Hill. Demolition of existing single storey side extension. Erection of single storey side extension and two storey rear extension with alterations and additions to fenestration.

SDNP/19/03167/TCA: Costers Brook Cottage, Crypt Lane. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Willow tree (T1).


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SDNP/19/03208/TCA: Marshals Wick, B2146 Compton Square to The Green. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Holly tree.


E/19/01772/TCA: Byre Cottage, Clappers Lane. Notification of intention to reduce Southern sector by up to 3m, including removal of 1 no. branch on Southern sector on 1 no. Malus Domestica Tree (quoted as T1).


SDNP/19/02866/HOUS: 7 Verdley Place. Installation of a shed/garden room.


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FB/19/01756/DOM: 63 Deeside Avenue. Erection of ground floor and first floor front extensions.


SDNP/19/02113/HOUS: Strawberry Trees, Sandy Lane. Single storey extensions to the north and west elevations. Front door repositioned to South elevation.


SDNP/19/03066/HOUS: Orchard Cottage, Common Road. Proposed extensions and alterations to house, garage extension and conversion of existing garage to habitable space.

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SDNP/19/03185/TCA: 3 Laxton Meadow. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Picea (T1).


SDNP/19/01999/HOUS: 2 Hillside, Graffham Street. Proposed front porch infill, side lean to, rear extension and new dormers.

SDNP/19/02220/CND: Field East of Timbers, New Road, South Ambersham. Change of use of part of arable field to allow for extension of polo practice ground. Removal of condition 3 from planning permission 09/02763/COU.

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SDNP/19/02221/CND: Field East of Timbers, New Road, South Ambersham. Retrospective permission for formation of a practice polo ground. Variation of condition 1 and 2 from planning permission 05/03159/COU. Condition 1 to be varied to read: The playing of polo shall be limited exclusively to the field identified on site plan. Condition 2 to be removed.


SDNP/19/03007/HOUS: Bridge Meadow , Elsted Road. Erection of orangery to the south elevation of property.


KD/19/01598/LBC: Vergers, Village Road. Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of replacement single storey extension. 1 no.dormer to side/rear elevation. Internal alterations and the replacement of window with door on rear of garage.

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KD/19/01659/DOM: Vergers, Village Road. Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of replacement single storey extension. 1 no.dormer to side/rear elevation. Internal alterations and the replacement of window with door on rear of garage.


SDNP/19/01887/LIS: Broyle Farm House, Pook Lane. Repointing the bricks to the front of the main building with lime mortar and replacement of damaged bricks.


SDNP/19/02646/FUL: The Village Shop, High Hamstead Lane. Demolishment of existing out buildings. Single storey rear extension with various additions and alterations including changes to fenestration.

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SDNP/19/02647/LIS: The Village Shop, High Hamstead Lane. Demolishment of existing out buildings. Single storey rear extension with various additions and alterations including changes to fenestration.


LM/19/01571/TCA: Spring Cottage, Marley Lane, Camelsdale. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Cherry tree (T1) and 1 no. Oak tree (T3). Reduce 2 no. branches by 1.5m (back to growth points) on north sector clearing house on 1 no. Yew tree (T2). Crown reduce up to 1.5m (all round) on 1 no. Hazel tree (T4). Reduce height down to 2.5m (garden side only) on 1 no. Laurel Hedge (T5).


LX/19/01613/DOM: East Tythe Barn, 1 Loxwood Farm Place. Single storey rear extension.


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SDNP/19/02387/HOUS: Lyndale House, Church Hill. Construction of rear single storey orangery.

SDNP/19/02388/LIS: Lyndale House, Church Hill. Construction of rear single storey orangery.

SDNP/19/03133/TCA: Carron Lane Cottage, 8 Carron Lane. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 1.5m on the South- East, South-West and North-West sectors and by up to 2m on the North-East sector, thin the top by 15% and remove 1 no. lower limb heading North-east (to raise the canopy off the boundary fence) on 1 no. Cherry tree (T1). Fell 1 no. Cherry Laurel tree (T2).

North Mundham

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NM/19/01653/FUL: 5 The Courtyard, Vinnetrow Road, Runcton. Change use of Unit 5 from B1 (offices) to D1 (clinics).

Plaistow And Ifold

PS/19/01133/DOM: Belton Acre, The Ride, Ifold. Two storey front extension and single storey side and rear extensions.


SDNP/19/01611/FUL: Little Durford, Durford Wood. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1 no. new dwelling.

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SDNP/19/03063/HOUS: 2 Cliffe Cottages, Sandy Lane, Rake. Single story side extension and single storey first floor extension above existing carport for home office use.

SDNP/19/03173/TCA: Old Orchard, School Lane. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Eucalyptus tree (T1), 1 no. Holly tree (T2), 1 no. Tulip tree (T3) and 1 no. Hazel tree (T4). Crown reduce by 50% on 1 no. Willow tree (T5) and 1 no. Hazel tree (T6).


SY/19/01465/FUL: 28 Chichester Road. Demolition of existing vacant house, attached vacant office building and 2 no. blocks of garages. Construction of 8 no. flats.

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SY/19/01558/FUL: 1-3 High Street. Two storey rear and roof extension creating additional 3 no. new flats. Various alterations and additions including changes to fenestration and 3 no. dormers and bin stores.

SY/19/01728/REM: Stone House, 82 West Street. Application for approval of reserved matters in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 5 no. dwellings following outline planning permission SY/18/01966/OUT.

SY/19/01775/DOM: 2 Clayton Road. Erection of single storey side extension.


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SI/19/01731/LBC: Highleigh Pound, Highleigh Road. Replacement of 4 no. existing sash windows (like for like).


SB/19/01698/TPA: The Garden House, Main Road, Nutbourne. Crown lift by up to 2m on South and North-East sectors on 1 no. Sweet Chestnut tree (T1) subject to SB/94/00899/TPO.

SB/19/01781/DOM: 51 Kelsey Avenue. Proposed two storey extension, single storey rear extension and front porch.

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SB/19/01804/PLD: 10 Manor Gardens. Change of use of loft to habitable accommodation and installation of 4 no. rooflights.

Stedham with Iping

SDNP/19/03052/HOUS: Ivy Cottage, Iping Lane, Iping. Single storey side extension.

Sutton and Barlavington

SDNP/19/03145/LIS: 2 Sutton Hollow, The Street, Sutton. Dismantling and reconstruction of unstable masonry walls.


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TG/19/01532/DOM: 17 Nettleton Avenue. Partial retrospective boundary treatment to west side and front of property.

TG/19/01675/FUL: Chichester Business Park, City Fields Way. Development of currently vacant plots 1-5 to provide 8700m2 floor space for flexible B1(C)/ B2/ B8 Units together with associated parking.

TG/19/01797/TCA: 14 Nettleton Avenue. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Silver Birch tree (T1).


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SDNP/19/02579/FUL: Orchard House, River Lane, River. Change use of existing home office/storage outbuilding to self-contained unit and associated works to be use as tourist holiday accommodation.

SDNP/19/03378/LIS: Orchard House, River Lane, River. Change use of existing home office/storage outbuilding to self-contained unit and associated works to be use as tourist holiday accommodation.


WE/19/01254/FUL: Land Off Of Old Farm Lane, Old Farm Lane. Change of use on agricultural land for the exercising of dogs with installation of perimeter fence.

West Itchenor

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WI/19/01759/TPA: Stepaside Cottage, Itchenor Road. Crown reduce by up to 2m (all round) on 1 no. Holm Oak Tree (T1) subject to WI/98/01092/TPO.

West Wittering

WW/19/01753/PNO: Hale Farm Cottage, Chichester Road. To be used for the storage, grain and farm machinery.

WW/19/01757/DOM: 22 Cakeham Way. Alterations and additions to fenestration of garage and erection of shed.

Wisborough Green

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WR/19/01738/TCA: The Grange, Kirdford Road. Notification of intention to fell 4 no. Leylandii trees.

Woolbeding with Redford

SDNP/19/01908/HOUS: School House, Woolbeding Lane, Woolbeding. Erection of two storey extension to north elevation and single storey extension to south elevation with changes to fenestration. Replace 2 no. existing flat roofed dormers with pitched tiled roof dormers.

Special Code For BLPUs Outside CDC Area

SPEC/19/01789/ADJ: Land North of Hilland Farm, Stane Street, Billingshurst. Variation of condition 1 and 36 to previously approved application DC/18/2122 (A Hybrid Planning application comprising: Detailed planning permission for up to 4,998sqm of B1c, B2 and B8 use floorspace, roundabout access junction from the A29, access, parking, servicing areas, and associated landscaping (phase 1). Outline planning permission for up to 14,075sqm of B1c, B2 and B8 use of floorspace , petrol filling station with ancillary retail offer and drive through coffee unit, with all matters reserved except for access (phase 2) Relating to phase 1 units 6-8and mezzanine or additional floor levels following first occupation.