Plans for five new dwellings in Loxwood submitted

Plans near Willetts Way would see five new houses being built. SUS-210311-110632001Plans near Willetts Way would see five new houses being built. SUS-210311-110632001
Plans near Willetts Way would see five new houses being built. SUS-210311-110632001
A planning application to build five new houses in Loxwood has been submitted to Chichester District Council.

Loxwood (Mellow) Ltd has applied for ‘the provision for five residential dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access and hard and soft landscaping in the land south of Willets Way’.

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The 43,055.6 square foot area would see two three and two bedroom houses, and one four bedroom house, being developed.

The development will also include 13 car parking spaces, two of which will be unallocated spaces.

Loxwood (Mellow) Ltd in it’s proposal said: “The proposal will provide an excellent residential development opportunity to provide additional housing and local retail facilities for Loxwood and the Chichester District as a whole.

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“We are of the view that the proposal would not give rise to any adverse impacts which would outweigh the benefits of the five new dwellings.”

However the planning application has attracted some criticism and as of November 3, 14 objections to the application have been placed.

Loxwood resident Mr Dan Todhunter objected to the plan writing: “There will be significant harm to the visual amenity of the properties on the High Street has already been caused by works to prepare the site in advance of this application (August 2021).

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Fellow Loxwood resident Mrs Hannah Carey also objected to the proposal writing: “Loxwood is a rural village which appears to be undergoing significant amounts of development to help alleviate the pressure on CDC for housing.

“The village is not able to sustain such intense development and we seem to be in a situation where developers are opportunistically applying for

inappropriate plans, on inappropriate and unallocated land outside of the village plan in a time of limited resources and significant back log.”

If you would like to view the application visit application number 21/02849/FUL on Chichester District Council’s planning website.