Hemiko was selected by Worthing Borough Council to develop the Worthing Heat Network. Works have taken place at Union Place and on Worthing Hospital’s grounds. Click here to read more.
A spokesperson for the investor, developer and operator of low carbon heat networks said: “Hemiko is proposing to extend its work schedule on the A259 just north of High Street Car Park from the 9th to the 18th December 2024.
"Throughout the works, High Street Car Park will remain open every day, accessible from the south in a one-way system.”
To ‘compensate for this additional disruption’, Hemiko is offering the town four-free car parking days in the lead up to Christmas to ‘support shoppers and local businesses’:
– November 29 (Buckingham Road multi-storey car park);
– December 14 (Grafton multi-storey car park);
– December 21 and 22 (High Street multi-storey car park)
The spokesperson added: “Hemiko are working with West Sussex County Council to agree to this extension, and we are contacting you for your views. Please could you complete the following short survey: Hemiko – Survey on December Construction Proposals.”
West Sussex County Council has issued a statement, in response to the plans – which are not yet agreed.
A spokesperson said: “The road works to install the infrastructure for the Worthing Heat Network are being carried out by Hemiko on behalf of Worthing Borough Council.
"West Sussex County Council, as the highways authority, is working closely with Hemiko and Worthing Borough Council to try to ensure disruption to road users and local businesses is minimised.
"We have not yet agreed to the extension of work scheduled on the A259 in Worthing.
"We are liaising with Worthing Borough Council and other stakeholders including the Business Improvement District to understand their position before we decide whether an extension can be agreed.”
Hemiko will ‘shortly be commencing roadworks’ which will affect High Street in Worthing.
The developer said construction works will be taking place between November 23 to February 9, 2025.
They explained: “Our construction works will take place on two sections of High Street, between the Union Place and Charlecote Road
junctions and on High Street between Elm Road and Chatsworth Road.
"During this time, we will also start construction on the Energy Centre on the grass outside the High Street multi-storey car park.
"This will mean the pedestrian path is closed temporarily to facilitate the works. One exit and entrance lane for High Street multi-storey car park will be suspended, but the car park will remain accessible at all times.
Hemiko will be working hard to keep disruption to an absolute minimum – we are working closely with West Sussex County Council and Worthing Borough Council to coordinate our works. Work will not be taking place between December 19 and January 6.”

1. Worthing Heat Network construction
Hemiko was selected by Worthing Borough Council to develop the Worthing Heat Network. Works have taken place at Union Place and on Worthing Hospital’s grounds. Photo: Eddie Mitchell

2. Worthing Heat Network construction
Hemiko was selected by Worthing Borough Council to develop the Worthing Heat Network. Works have taken place at Union Place and on Worthing Hospital’s grounds. Photo: Eddie Mitchell