
MEMORIAL GARDEN: The work on the Memorial Garden has now been completed and a new bench has been installed. The churchwardens wish to thank anyone concerned for their patience and understanding and hope that the completed job meets general approval. A few vases and ornaments are still in safe keeping and you are invited to collect before 1 July. Please contact 07552 487694. The next churchyard working party is today, Friday, from 2pm to 5pm. All help is very welcome in keeping our spaces neat and tidy.

CHURCH SERVICES: Celebrate Trinity Sunday: 8am Holy Communion, 10am Eucharist and at 6.30pm a Taize Service a quiet, contemplative service in a candle-lit church. On Monday the Julian Prayer meeting Circle of Quiet meets at 7pm in the Lady Chapel. All are welcome to join this small group as they ‘wait on God in silence’. A moving and inspirational time in your parish church. On Thursday, at 6.30pm there is an additional Celtic Eucharist in celebration of Corpus Christi.

WI: Thank you to all who supported the WI Spring Fair which raised over £870. The craft group continues to meet monthly and over a glass of sherry each member continues with her own project. The theatre group enjoyed a visit to Lewes Little Theatre to see Dial M for Murder. Our WI has some entries in competitions all on display in the WI tent at the South of England Show, do visit if you are at the show. The next meeting is in the village hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday June 5 when Tracy Anderson will be telling us about Lewes Priory. Do come and join us, new members are always welcome.

BRIDGE CLUB: There are no results this week. The club next meets in the St Mary’s room of the village hall next Wednesday at 7.30pm. Contact 814220.