Two lanes of Old Shoreham Road in Hove in both directions have been turned into cycle lanes to reflect the changing methods of transport since lockdown began. The other lanes remain in use for cars. Works were carried out today (May 10) and come into effect tomorrow. The lanes were painted from the junction with Hangleton Road in west Hove to The Drive, where it will meet the existing cycle lane network. The new cycle lanes will be approximately 1.7 miles in length. A spokesman for Brighton & Hove City Council said: “Coronavirus (Covid-19) has significantly changed travel patterns and the way people are using roads in Brighton & Hove. We have seen an increase in the number of people cycling for pleasure and exercise, there are fewer journeys being made by car and more of us are choosing to walk, rather than drive, short distances. We expect this to continue even after current movement restrictions are eased and these changes will give people the opportunity to cycle more and use their cars less.” Chairwoman of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, Anne Pissaridou said: “Sustainable forms of transport are a key component to tackling our climate crisis and anything we can do to encourage people to cycle will have long term benefits to our city.” Opposition spokesperson, councillor Pete West said: “Further to concerns from residents about speeding and high volumes of car traffic, this is very welcome news.” James Cleeton, director for the South of England of walking and cycling charity Sustrans, said: “The decision to reallocate space on Old Shoreham Road in this way is bold and reflects the vital role that walking and cycling have to play in the UK’s adaptation to and recovery from Covid-19.” He added: “We hope that more local authorities will implement measures like this, providing safe spaces for their residents to move around without the need to jump in their cars.”

. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance

. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance

1. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance

2. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance

3. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance

4. Sussex A-road transformed with lockdown cycle lanes
Old Shoreham Road in Hove has been turned into a cycle-friendly dual carriageway, with one lane on each side temporarily turned into a cycle lane for 1.7 miles in both directions to reflect the changes in travel during the lockdown | Freelance