
TRINITY SOUTH MALLING: (Parish Church). This Sunday there is a service of Morning Praise, led by the Associate Vicar Revd Jeremy Bamber, who will be preaching on the final Chapter of Revelation: Chapter 22. Somewhat surprisingly (from the book's reputation) this has been a very interesting, even impressive sermon series and is all set to end very positively. On a sad note however, regular members of the congregation will be sorry to hear of the death of Peggy Jones on Monday Morning (October 22). Peggy has been a Malling resident and a member of the congregation since she moved from London in the early 1980s. A while ago, she left her home in Spences Field and moved to a flat in St Thomas Court in Cliffe. In her last few weeks she has been cared for in Baron's Down Nursing Home. Those who know her will remember her as a loyal and outspoken Christian woman, a regular and determined attender, often leading the prayers in church and always identifying the right subjects and a model of clarity and succinctness. Details of her funeral will be reported when available. It will be at Trinity South Malling Church.

HALLOWEEN TREAT: At Trinity St John sub Castro (Abinger Place) on Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm. Halloween itself was a celebration of the evening before All Saints Day (November 1), when all the evil spirits are said to come out for their last fling before they are dealt with forever. (If you want to know what that means you will find out in the final chapter of Revelation, so come to church on Sunday). The treat, will be full of fun and games and celebrates a positive Christian message of light and love, fancy dress optional but no Halloween costumes please. This is for Reception to Year 6 children, costs £3 per child or £8 per family and involves an evening full of games and lots of treats to to win and take home. You can book online at trinity or trinity Telephone number 01273 474377.