Brexit: Let's experience life outside the European Union and then decide whether to re-join

Patrick McCausland asks why people object to a second referendum, arguing that we have repeated elections (letters, December 14).

It is simply because the government would not have carried out the promise that was made before and during the 2016 referendum, that we would leave the European Union including the single market, the customs union and the European Court of Justice.

During a general election parties put out manifestos on which voters make their decision.

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After the five years they vote again partly on the basis of how well the politicians have performed on a whole range of policies.

The EU referendum was not a whole range of policies, no matter how some people pretend otherwise, but a binary decision to leave or to stay.

The democratic decisions in all other referendums, on the Common Market in 1975, devolution in Scotland and Wales and on proportional representation in 2011 were honoured by governments of the day.

There has been a history in the EU of various national referendums being re-run where the politicians did not like the result and the continuous undermining of the 2016 decision by remainer factions arguing for a so-called people’s vote on either ‘remain’ or ‘May’s deal’ gives no confidence that the result would not be fixed in advance.

Let us experience life outside the EU for some years and then decide whether to re-join.

Michael Staples

Grove Road,
