The event, hosted by We Run, They Run, I Run, starts at Bates Green Farm in Arlington, home to the well known Bluebell Walk. The run takes participants through some beautiful Sussex countryside, with the aim being to do as many 3.6 mile laps as one can in six hours. Overall the team completed 974.61 miles, with five runners finishing in the top 10, including Chris Lamour who finished first with a course record of 15 laps.
Special mention goes to Female Run Wednesdays runner Sally-Anne Hadgkiss, who completed her first race following a knee replacement operation, and Shane Smith, Sam Crompton and James Griffiths, who completed their first ultra distance race.
More of the Run Wednesdays runners will be participating in forthcoming the Beachy Head ultra marathon, full marathon, half marathon and 10k event. If you have ever thought about running, or just want to get fit with a friendly club, please go to the Run Wednesdays Facebook page for further information.

. Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop
Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop Photo: Run Wednesdays

. Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop
Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop Photo: Run Wednesdays

. Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop
Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop Photo: Run Wednesdays

9. Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop
Run Wednesdays athletes at he Bates Green Gallop Photo: Run Wednesdays