Entries sought for Horsham's Battle of the Bands

Horsham's Battle of the BandsHorsham's Battle of the Bands
Horsham's Battle of the Bands
The 29th annual Horsham Battle of the Bands has now officially opened for entries.

The 2021 finals are scheduled to take place on August 14 and 15 in the Human Nature Garden in Horsham Park with heats at The Rec Rooms on July 14, 15, 21 and 22. More information and details of how to enter can be found at www.horshambotb.co.uk

Event programme manager Jamie Friday said: “We’re quietly confident this year’s events will take place as planned but are of course prepared to roll with any changes to the guidelines that may occur. We managed to successfully put on Covid-secure events last year in between lockdowns and are determined to do so again this year.”

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Co-organiser Sam Albrow said: “Horsham BotB is a community event that everyone can get behind. It’s vital after the year we’ve all had that events like these go ahead wherever possible. Live music has been one of the hardest-hit industries but is so important for all sorts of reasons.”

BotB compere and promoter Jamie Stanley said: “Last year’s against-all-odds competition at The Rec Rooms was one of the highlights for me since joining the organising team in 2012. Everyone excelled themselves and our three winners were all outstanding.

“Fingers crossed we’ll be able to get it back in the sunshine where it belongs this year!

“All dates and venues may be subject to change at short notice if there is a significant change to pandemic guidelines. We will endeavour to avoid this but if we can’t, we will communicate any alternative plan as soon as is possible.”

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If you missed the online launch event, you can watch it on the Horsham BotB Facebook page.

If you’d like to become a Silver or Bronze sponsor of this year’s event, email the team at [email protected]