
THE lights are up in the High Street,starsand Santa's galore, bedazzling us withtinsel and flashing coloured lights, butdo we know what it is all really for?

THE lights are up in the High Street,stars

and Santa's galore, bedazzling us with

tinsel and flashing coloured lights, but

do we know what it is all really for?

The toys that crowd the shop windows,

games and technical marvels, that the

children really crave, we mnust have this

we must have that, but do they know

the one who only lived to save?

Each tinsel star should remind us of the

first that shone to show the child that

taught us how to live, without hate, but

love, kindness and how we must forgive.

Christmas has a meaning if we can pause

awhile amidst the fun and the rushing

here and there, to think of all the suffering

there is in the world today, to stop and

let the Angels hear a prayer.

Catherine Neale