Intoxicating variety of Ryesingers’ good cheer

This was the choir as never seen before, having great fun too.

The whole event was the brain-child of Jonathan, who not only performed several items; he was in charge of the catering. He is well-known locally for his expertise running pubs, but for this occasion he turned his attention to a Variety Show. All members of Ryesingers opened the show with “Comedy tonight” and there were some deliciously funny songs. The programme was too long to mention everybody, but all gave us a most enjoyable evening. To mention just a few; We had ‘Arold on ‘is ‘orse with ‘is ‘awk in ‘is ‘and; The Song of the Countryside; The Egg; a Cinderella sketch; Who mows the lawns in Eden?: several instrumental items on violin, guitar and ukulele, solo songs, duets; Barber Shop; and ensemble items. There wasn’t a Rysinger dress to be seen, but lots of sparkle in the clothes as well as the performances. Every so often the audience was served food; soup, then a main dish of chicken and a choice of desserts.

Rysingers are known locally for their excellent choral works, Gilbert and Sullivan performances, light-hearted concerts but never before a Variety Night.

This member of the audience thoroughly enjoyed it, and hopes there may be another one next year.

Marion Lovell

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